R2H3 Trail Trash #96

Trail Trash #96 - Get Baked Trail (baked in the GA sun that is!)

posted Jul 13, 2020

R2H3 Trail Trash #96 - the get baked trail (baked in the hot GA sun that is).

It was a fine day for trail #96, but warm...a bit warm.

I have always wanted to do a trail in or around Cave Spring and was excited to pull in to see so many sharing this feeling. I think we had 20 hashers show including Bimbos, hares and visitors. Start was Rolator Park in downtown Cave Spring and we were not the only ones interested in getting outside to the park - it was packed!

The hares were off at precisely 3:04 and we had introductions. We were pleased to have All Burnt Up from Atlanta visit us again and at this point I think that makes him an official R2H3 hasher. We were also excited to have two visitors from far and wide: Scent of Man from Chicago H3 and Saving Myself for Two Black Guys also from Chicago but a well-traveled hound who began his career in South Korea!

After our warm up and short 2 minutes of walking, we gave chase beneath the blazing sun. The hares smartly ran a do-loop around the old School for the Deaf and it did its job by holding the pack up until we got to Cave Spring Elementary and then were well on our way. But did I mention it was hot? Fucking hot. Before even the first beer check most of the pack was slowing and walking due to Georgia's oppressive heat and humidity. If you did not know, Georgia summer is officially upon us.

Trail took us through a small apartment complex and then we pavement pounded our way out of town. We turned into a corn field on the outskirts of town before exiting again onto pavement and then to the first of two beer checks where I continued to question the hares assessment that this was at a 3.7 shiggy rating. I was to be pleasantly surprised.

After the beer check and the official dance required by the Hares (a dance well posted on social media) trail was to be mostly off road from there on out. And did I mention it was hot? We ran along some overgrown trails and up a long wooded grade off trail to a construction site before going down the half mile gravel drive way to what I believe was Foster's Mill Road. Left then right to behind a church and back in the heavy shaggy and some logging roads. Eventually beer check #2 was located and Hugh Heifer found the Beer-Munity necklace. After relaxing here for a bit the pack was off again. And it stayed hot. Just adjacent to a big hunting tower the trail to a hard left back into the woods. This proved a challenge for those who would be going it alone. Back up logging roads then again off trail. Somewhere along here, NFN Christine and TMI were nearly run down by a wayward doe and shortly after, All Burnt Up was shocked when a turkey burst from the bushes a few feet from him. He commented that he was relieved that he had clean drawers to put on at finish. It was at this point that the hares, without laying a split, gave the lucky ones an out. If you chose to turn right out of the heavy shiggy, you were On-In in about 300 yards, if you were unlucky enough to turn left, which most did, you got another mile of trail. Which was all fine and good, except it was friggin hot. The last section was lovely as we got to run through a man-made pine forest. I always dig running through the perfect rows of pines. Then, before we knew it, BEER NEAR!

Cool finish (figuratively)! A big piece of property and cabin with a lake owned by Yes They Match's sister's boyfriend's parents (I think I got that right.) Soon after arriving we realized that CBT, Scent of a Man and Saving Myself were still far from finish. A call from CBT verified she was in need of some assistance and 1st CumUnion and I went out and recovered her with some help from Google Maps. Turns out the visitors clocked about 9 miles by turning back and returning to start. They were able to autohash to the finish.

With everyone in - finally - we circled and what had been promised to be a short circle ran on as we violated the hares, TMI for her Hashy Birthday (yep Shitigation - Hashy Birthday is a thing but good thinkin'), front runners and DFLs. Night Stalker came in even before circle started but had not arrived at start until about 3:30. He passed CBT struggling along the way but brought proof of life. NFN Allen was named - Dick Lagay as a play on his gambling doppelganger and his molesting of a leery lesbian couple on a booze cruise. Saving Myself impressed everyone with his ability to serenade us with the Scotsman's Kilt song. As the day had been so darn long and, if I failed to mention, hot, we pretty much all bailed for points north upon completing the Beer Prayer.

It was a great pleasure to meet the visitors and I had a great time on trail. Even though it was super long (I clocked over 6.5 miles) and super Georgia hot, the shiggy was awesome, I thought the marks were just challenging enough for the pack to solve and there were two beer checks! The finish was bad ass and we did not run out of beer! Here's to Yes They Match and 1st CumUnion on his haring debut - you guys did great! So great in fact, Yes They Match got the Long Arm from Hugh for her efforts as senior hare and then leaving the hash for work, only to return when she was called off.

In my delirium, I cannot recall to whom I said this, but somewhere between mile 5 and my mini-stroke, I stated "Regardless of the heat and length, I would rather be doing this than most things." Cheers hares!

Note: I realized while sitting at River Dog for a beer after trail, I failed to recruit a hare for August's Trail - that was resolved when El Cumweiner volunteered via text. Get a co-hare and make it happen girl! Don't forget Mismanagement is July 25th (time to be announced), Final Friday is July 31st and then Trail #97 is August 8th.

In the words of Hazukashii: Hashing is fun, see you on trail!