R2H3 Trail Trash #104

Trail Trash #104 - Soggy, Sloshy and a Bit Pungent !

posted Feb 18, 2021

One never knows who may show up at a Hash. Many factors come into play after all. We have weddings and hangovers and floors needing refinishing and travels and overachievers out r*cing and then there is the weather. Hashers who only show up when the the weather is in that sweet spot of not too wet, not to cold and not too hot are known as "fair weather hashers." They are demeaned by the other miscreants for their lack of commitment to things like Sparkle Motion.

The early months of the year in Rome, Georgia often bring particularly uncomfortable weather and it can be unfun when the first look at the weather app leads one to say, "This afternoon is going to suck!" But rest assured, your RA does everything in his power to part the rains and make you all as comfortable as possible given the time of year.

It was that kinda day. Cold, rainy and generally gray and gross. But at 3PM the showers stopped and it warmed to a balmy 51 degrees to allow the ten or eleven of us who showed up for Vincent VanBlow's solo haring debut. Out-of-towners (all of whom I believe qualify as Rumblin' Romans at this point) nearly outnumbered the in-of-towners. In-of-towners?

Vincent was off moments before the clock rang 3 and after some lively warming up the pack gave chase. Through Darlington School we trotted all forgetting that the solo hare could have used the usual 2 minutes of walking to further his lead. Passed through the arches between the classroom buildings and up into the woods atop Walker Mountain we traveled. Eventually we cut down to Blacks Buff Road and along a grassy easement to the beer check beside the sewage treatment plant. The one spectator on a Gator (could be a Hash name) inside the fence was unpulsed by our activities and guided the DFLs in the direction of the beer in the watermelon cooler.

After a quick beverage we were off once again and enjoyed the pungent odor of the regional Roman restrooms as we made our way through the wet and muddy easement along the Coosa River. Eventually, we found our way to the South Rome Levy but not before a great action photo was taken of All Burnt Out busting his backside in the mud.

As we exited the peaceful woods we were greeted by a South Roman young lover of his own type of plant life who assisted us with our orienteering as the acrid smoke of the offending weed billowed from his Nissan.

It was not long before we found ourselves at the base of Myrtle Cemetery. I, for one, had my fill and spied Shitagation's beer wagon parked at a suspect's residence and I made a beeline for the MIA YTM's house where I found the beer and ON-IN. Shitatgation and NFN Alex were not far behind and eventually the rest of the small pack having completed just under 4 miles in about an hour and ten minutes. Short flat fast.

We made a quick car run and then circled. CBT was FBI and the only bitch on trail. NFN Alex got the Long Arm again after claiming the Beer-munity necklace had been left at home yet producing it from his car moments after the hare departed the start. YTM was at finish after her half marathon with TMI and drank as an over achiever. Vincent and his imaginary friend drank for a shitty trail and we all eventually sung low and convened for a nice On-After at, where else but River Dog.

Trail was brilliant even though Vincent VanBlow was relegated to doing it without a co-hare but I was pretty sure he had nothing to be worried about from our pack on this day. I am just happy he was able to finish laying without jumping into Chris Rock's Altima and asking him for a puff-puff-pass!

Thanks for the trail and the hashpitality!

Trail #105 will be hared by CBT and 30 A Hole on March 13 so come out for what will certainly be a hash!