R2H3 Hashtory

The Rumblin' Roman Hash House Harriers were founded but Hugh Heifer and Cock Block & Tackle in Rome, Georgia, USA on May 12, 2012.

The Mid-Wife of the R2H3 is the Ft. Eustis, Virginia Hash House Harriers r*nning in and around Newport News, Virginia and is arguably the oldest continuous hash in the United States having been found November 7, 1971 by Frank Arnold of the Longmoor H3. This was the first British Hash and located in Longmoor, Hampshire, England and founded in 1969 by Captain Richard McCallister.

It is believed that the Longmoor H3 is a direct descendant of Mother: The Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia H3. And sorry ladies - the Mother Hash is men only!

Until I get to it on this page, CLICK HERE to learn all about the history of hashing direct from the source of KLH3.