R2H3 #113 Trail Trash

A beautiful fall day for a trail it was.

The start was the majestic Etowah Park between the driving range, old folks center, tennis courts and toilet house.

Shitigation and Terrorish promised they would not disappoint and left the rest of us dawdling in the parking lot precisely at 3PM. Once again, there were not many of us: Hugh, CBT, Purple Pill, NFN Dirk and his two virgins from Chicago (where I used to work at an old department store).

A quick chalk talk and Father Abraham and we gave chase. First some road rage through the Sherwood Forest neighborhood before dipping into some light shiggy near the back of Etowah Park leading the pack to the driving range. The FRBs made a left and skirted the driving range after seeing a mark on the other side. The DFLs? Well, they threw caution to the wind and ran straight across! This certainly gave the golfers pause.The pack hit Fieldwood and then ran through the neighborhood off Turner Chapel before running along the Etowah and finding the beer check at the edge of the Fairgrounds.

After a quick cold beer, the pack continued along the river to the back of Main Elementary before going under the tracks. The next check gave the pack some trouble but eventually we remembered that trail can go 369 degrees and found it going up on the tracks and eventually across the train trestle.

We stayed on the tracks until just passed the Georgia Power building where we got off the busiest train tracks in North Georgia and found finish behind Shitigation's house.

There we had a smokey fire, plenty of down downs and a Monkey Dred, Valcumrie, Miso Crashy and Bella sighting.

From memory, NFN Jake was FRB, Purple Pill was FBI and Just David was DFL. The hares drank several times over a lovely tail of looking for toilet paper all over town, and their unfortunate encounter of a dead dog tethered to the railroad track - horrifying!

The two virgins enjoyed their intro to hashing and it sounds as though at least NFN Jake will be going back for more upon his return to Chicago.

While the pack was once again quite small - even with the lovely weather - it was still a fun day and a fun 5 mile trail. But it leaves us wondering, will the hash survive into 2022?? Thanks to the hares for a successful day and getting us all in safely - even after having to cross the bridge of death!

Next trail is the holiday pub crawl, trail #114 on Decembeer 11th! Hope to see you there!