R2H3 Trail Trash #95

Trail Trash #95 - Safety Third!

posted Jun 26, 2020

R2H3 #95 Trail Trash

A beautiful day for a trail it was, it was. We had a great showing of about 18 intrepid Hashers including a couple of bimbos to help with the bags and brews. The start was just off Huffaker Road at the edge of the Berry Wild Life Management Area. Thousands of acres beckoned us as the hares, TMI, Bella and Shitigation fled the pack.

Bella had already taken care of the administrative tasks leaving the pack nothing to do but mill about aimlessly before Hugh Heifer warmed them up with a full introduction of Joe’s horrible family, employment and his boss’ unreasonable demands. After the required 10 minutes the pack was off in search of the wiley hares.

It did not take the experienced Hashers long to realize that Bella and company were sticking to the trails. This was a relief to most who had suffered through a couple Hugh Heifer and CBT’s trail blazing shiggy messes over the last couple of months. After getting thrown off by a check back 13 it was easy going through the woods to a quick couple of beer checks and then a huge loop bringing the pack back to the Stone Dairy and On-In – not far from “A”.

The pack awaited the arrival of the stragglers and after nearly an hour, fearing the worst, NFN Steven and a few others went out in search of NFN Allen and our visitor: Harry and the Handersons from Vulcan H3. The later of whom was last seen making a remark about how the R2H3 is no fucking joke. We aim to please! Of course the search party found neither Hasher as they self-recovered and found their way to the finish. Smartly NFN Allen retained his new boot safety vest to ensure he could be easily spotted by banjo players and shotgun toters.

Hugh Heifer took care of recapping all the “facts” and plenty of down-downs were secured. Visitors Slim Prickens from Black Sheep H3 and Harry sang to the pack as required and NFN Christine happily used her lifeline having found the Beer-munity necklace on trail and issuing Hugh a long arm. Much to the joy of the pack, Hugh took it like a man and nearly got the entire contents of the vessel in his mouth – like a pro! Guess what he spends his weekends doing?

The pack swung low and adjourned for pizza and beers at an On After at El Cumweiner’s shack not far off Broad Street.

Thanks to the hares for a really pleasant trail that barely avoided disaster through the use of yellow safety vests and PBR. The pack managed to pretty much drink the coolers dry again proving there is no such thing as too many beers.

Come out next month for First Cum Union’s virgin hare. If all goes south, blame Shitigation – he is the senior hare and supposed to train the guy not to f*ck this up! (Edit - he bailed so Yes They Match is taking her place as Training Officer.) On-On to Final Friday Fukov!