R2H3 Trail Trash #9 & #10



v. : Trail Nos. 9 and 10


R2H3 :


COMES NOW, KYConfucktor, attorney for the pack and pleads the herein Hashtrash for the 9th and 10th Running of the Rumblin’ Roman Hash House Harriers.

Statement of Proceedings Below

Defendant hereinafter admits being tardy in asserting his defenses to the above referenced actions and prays for leave of the leave of the pack to pay in extra down downs for the below enumerated reasons:

1. Defendant has no real good excuse, Defendant was just lazy.

2. Defendant has been drunk entirely too often to write this trash.

3. Defendant has been pleading to get laid instead of pleading this trash.

4. Everyone likes Defendant and so they will let this tardiness pass just this once?

Statement of Facts

Trail # 10

Well we did need roads to get the Start, and appropriately enough it was an Urgent car, perfect to heal all the bloody wounds from last month.

Hares for the 10th trail were Hugh Heffer and NFN Scotty.

The Hares led out with their customary 12 minute lead. Back for the first time since sometime in 2012 were Opps and Deposit, Supersock and BWANA. Also making the trip up were Com on Down and LuvBug 69

The regulars arrived, most in red for the V-Day Hash. (Love is in the air…….)

The Hares wrapped us around a few neighborhoods and through some lovely swamp. The pack experienced an expaneded check which led off in 3 directions for may miles each.

A hidden beer check that the front of the pack missed altogether which led to a near snare.

We saw a dirt bike rodeo, spent far too long on railroads , multiple times.

NFN Scotty performed some Vietnam maneuver falling on his sword so Hugh could escape the pack. I was a conscientious observer back during ‘Nam and wasn’t wise to this trick….(conscientiously observing from my fathers ballsack that is)


First in was Oops, followed by a spread out pack.

FBI was Supersuck who also had a violation and down down for gettn hitched to BWANA, I think maybe being married should always be a violation.

NFN Scotty Hared on his naming day.

As a Cable Guy and former Fisher-of-Men there were numerios great handles proposed, but in he end the pack went for a Star Trek reference.

And just like that he became Cream Me Up

(Cap’n we dunno haf the power!)

We all went in and bought some toys, and then we all went home and played with those toys……