R2H3 Trail Trash #112

R2H3 Trail Trash #112

It was a lovely day for a hash. Unfortunately it was a lovely day for a bunch of other stuff around the region. Knowing that, the hash still must go on. The hares, Hugh Heifer and Bella made bets with CBT as she awaited the arrival of some paying hounds as to the number of them we might have. None of us was correct. NFN Dirk showed up for his very first trail and all we could do was tell him what a real pack actually might look like. I am confident he did not believe us.

In lieu of using up the trail that Bella and Hugh took days to scout, it was decided that Hugh would lay something less and Bella would give up his spot as a hare to join CBT and NFN Dirk in the pack. Hugh was off into the GE trails, meandering around the woods until he reached the railroad tracks. HH made a quick left and ran a block of road rage before diving back into the trail system, across the beaver creek and back to A. It was short, flat and fast and turned out to be about 3 miles. We had a quick circle and welcomed NFN Dirk who proudly delivered the pack a sixer of IPAs from Wicked Weed. Everybody got down downs. All four of us. And like that, it was over.

CBT, HH and NFN Dirk convened for beverages at River Dog and called it a night. A disappointing showing for sure but shit happens. We hope to see more of you miscreants for trail 113 on November 13 so Shitigaton does not find himself haring for two.

Until then - Hashing is fun, see you on trail....maybe.