R2H3 Trail Trash #105

Trail Trash #105 - Yes Virginia, there is a beercheck!

posted Mar 16, 2021

Saturday's a hashing day! The R2H3 gathered on Saturday at the old Georgia Power building in Rome which now is also known as Hugh's office for an overcast but lovely afternoon. The usual suspects including a couple long time no seers Uron Weed and No Child Left in my Behind were in attendance. The Atl regulars Ramaho, Aw Burnt Out, Slim Prickens, Oops and Deposit Slit were there to fulfil their habit along with Cooter Hog of the dormant Chattanooga Choo Choo H3. NFN Alex charmed his kid brother NFN Jacob to show to breach his virginity and we were also joined by NFN Spencer who allegedly hashed in Beijing to help him give up drinking.

The hares, CBT and 30 Rage Hole were off and 3 and the R2H3 continued its monthly educational series on hieroglyphics and surviving in the non-union factory world while raising multiple useless offspring.

Then we were off. Trail took us past the Rome Federal Building and then up Clock Tower Hill through the lovely Between the River's victorian neighborhood. Then across the Etowah River into Oakdene and some shiggy. Once the first bit of shiggy was breached, about half of us found the very obvious beer check full of mini beers and water. After a brief pause (or not) the pack was offroad into the woods behind Rome Paper Recovery and then onto the Silver Creek and Kingfisher Trails. Fortunately Rage Hole ran out of flour before forcing us all to climb Myrtle Hill and checked us back across the Etowah River. Only one hound (Oops) was drawn into River Dog to look for the pack but we had bypassed the place cussing the hares for not making the stop obligatory. The pack ran across the old train trestle across the Oostanaula before hitting the riverside trails, rumblin' past the Forum, the Police Station and the Library. It was not long before we found ourselves entering the parking garage just below where we had started! Brilliant!

The pack was on in in quick order except two who showed up late to start....wait for it....Lovebug 69 and Cum On Down after an eleven year hiatus! We circled in the rather steamy but secluded basement and most everybody drank. Although that quick El Cumweiner was FRB and FBI it was Vincent VanBlow who found the Beermunity necklace and gave the long arm to new dad and backslider Valcumrie. Apparently three months is old enough to leave your newborn at home so Valcumrie's better half, Monkey Dread, was also in attendance (I kid - they appropriately scheduled grandma to come visit on a hash weekend).

We introduced NFN Spencer and the other Alexander to the Hash and eventually, swung low.

The apres was River Dog since we had not stopped on trail and then points north and south. It was a really fun day and very well set trail even given all the "roadrage." Thanks for all the hard work hares! I can't wait until next month when we hear 1st Cumunion say, "How do you do this again?" or Vincent VanBlow say, "Who the hell is co-haring with me this weekend?"