2020 Mismanagement

Notes from the 2020 Mismanagment Meeting

posted Jul 26, 2020

Just a lengthy note from your faithful scribe regarding the Mismanagement meeting held on July 25 hosted by Casa Valcumrie. Generally this meeting should have been held in April in order to prepare for a May analversary of the Hash (ides of May) but COVID kind of derailed us.

The items on the agenda included passing the torch to a new (and some old) bunch of miscreants to give the crew that has been handling things following Hugh Heifer and CBT’s departure years ago a well-deserved break. We all understand that there were a few of you that wanted to be there and were unable so we made sure you all were considered and discussed. So this is the breakdown based on a sort of stuffed ballot box election by those present:

Hashmaster ( or in this case Hashmatress) - Tickle My Ivories

Religious Advisor – Hugh Heifer

Beermeister – Shitigation

Sign In/Hash Cash – CBT

On Sec/Scribe – Hugh Heifer

Haberdashery – TMI, CBT and special consultations from NFN Kristi

Hare Raiser – Yes They Match

HashSnacks – Yes They Match and Fart Bucks

Softies/Water Boy – Hugh Heifer and CBT

So I will break that down. There was a discussion about adding soft drinks back to the Hash. We know there are a few non-drunks at the Hash and it is always good to have something sugary on hand if someone hashcrashes so Hugh and CBT offered to add a small cooler for that (probably a coke product or two and then probably a water cooler.)

Other topics included Haberdashery, Hares (no Hare no Hash) and the new category of “SUPERHARE!”, the sensitive topic of Hash Cash and who has to pay, and finally the 100th trail in November.

Haberdashery became an all-consuming topic. Taint flexed his muscles and broke out his wallet promising to bankroll a bigger Hab. He has promised to invest in the Hash by floating the Haberdashery with an IOU though pre-orders will likely still be a thing. Discussed were trucker caps bearing either a true trail arrow –l-l-l-> or an R2H3 foot. Both things one could wear in public without too much explanation required. T-shirts that include a girls cut and good shiggy socks. Hugh promised to get with the Asheville H3 who had great socks made for a RedDress Run some years ago to find the vendor. NFN Kristi agreed to help with some design work so long as designs are sans-alcohol and tasteful due to her use of a City computer to do the designs. TMI agreed to maintain her position in ordering the various Hab from the vendors she has developed relationships with so long as someone else deals with sales and design ideas. To that end CBT agreed to sales. We did not discuss how to repay Taint but it was agreed that there would be some decent margins to help support the Kennel and work toward paying Taint back for his generous offer – probably sometime in 2026…I kid. Taint did ask that we come up with a design for “buffs” which we all agreed is a great idea right now due to that pesky little pandemic. Just need to find a vendor who can make the stretchy material in a design we all like. (R2H3 feet with arrows, and checks maybe?)

Haring – This went very well and although YTM was elected Hare Raiser for “Fiscal Year 2021” her job is mostly done. The following Hare dates were filled:

August 8 – El Cumweiner & NFN Stephen (also his naming)

September 12 – Valcumrie

October 10 – Yes They Match

November 14 – Hugh Heifer (R2H3 100th Trail)

December 12 – TMI (Holiday Hash)

January 9 – Taint * & Bella (*Taint is waiting to ensure he will be off that weekend or not on call.)

February 13 – Bella & Hugh (Dunno if you noticed but that is two in a row Bella.)

March 13 – CBT

April 10 – 1st Cum Union

May 8 – OPEN (R2H3 9th Analversary)

June 12 – OPEN

July 10 – OPEN

It is up to the lead Hare listed to find a co-hare (or two if you want) and if you cannot lay on your assigned day, it is up to the lead hare to find a replacement and trade days or whatever. Please confirm with the Hare Raiser YTM so we do not miss a Hash which would be a tragedy and an embarrassment to you.

What do you get for your efforts? Well, Hares, unlike EVERYONE else who attends, do not have to pay as they are responsible for their chad to mark trail, a beer check and whatever else they want to surprise the pack with. Plus it takes a ton of time to figure out a nice easy, flat, short trail on which the pack will never get lost. Then, when you reach 10 hares (including co-hares), you will be adorned with the title SUPERHARE! and receive a dog tag. For each additional 10 hares (including co-hares) you will get another dog tag. Hugh Heifer is responsible for keeping count, and he is trying to keep the count accurate on the website.

That brings us to Hash Cash. The Hash is a club of sorts and it was unanimously agreed that EVERYONE except Hares have to pay that $6 to participate. Think of it as dues. We appreciate the Bimbos who show up and tote our crap from A to B but $6 is $6. The beer, ice, softies, water are not free. No discounts. Everybody supports the Hash. We did not at all talk about raising the price of the Hash, just making sure everyone pays. If you do not want to pay – Hare the trail. If you have certain dietary restrictions that you would like met (cannot drink beer but Boonesfarm or Sprite is okay) let the MM know and we will ensure you are taken care of. BYOB is okay but it does not get you out of paying. The Hash does not sell beer, it sells entertainment. Everybody but Hares pay to keep the Hash alive. We are sorry not sorry if that is an issue for anyone. Everybody but Hares pay: if you want to pay $72 for the year up front, see CBT. The Hash does not have an account to receive electronic funds. We prefer not to co-mingle personal and hash funds. That means cash paid for trails. If you don’t normally carry cash, use that pre-pay option and pay for a bunch of trails up front. If you get 50 trails under your belt as a hound and we can figure that out, you are going to get an award. I am pretty sure there are at least a couple of you that fit this bill. This is TBA. We are working on it.

Finally, November and the 100th Trail. Unfortunately “in these unprecedented and uncertain times” [barf], we feel like making huge plans well ahead of schedule is a bad idea. So we have a plan and we will provide the full details probably in October. What we do know is this: there will be a Hash and if shit is not too bad, that will likely* include camping overnight on Saturday. We just cannot say for sure yet. The original plan was a pre-registration that would include paying for a port-o-john and a dinner. A Shooting Star Hash at midnight. Maybe a band or DJ and then a light breakfast and a maybe a hangover trail but that is all on hold due to the Covidians. We will have a plan or two in our pocket but we just do not know what restrictions may be back upon us in November. Plus the election is happening so the world may simply end before November 14th anyway. So stay tuned. We do plan to have a 100th Analversary item in the Haberdashery in time for the day.

Other brief discussions included the website and the FB page. Hugh is continuing to take care of the website and the big news is that it was finally crawled so Googling the R2H3 now pretty much finds it. No starts are posted to the website. If someone wants to cum they can be invited if they are a muggle and we are not sure about them or they can work to find us. We have an email: rumblinromanhhh@gmail.com; so other Hashers and muggles can make inquiries if they do not have Facebook. Hugh does still use On-In.com and posts the start, announcements and Hash Trashes on that site as well. Pictures will remain on the closed FB page so that they are not too public (some Hashers do not want their image seen in the background of down-downs posted on a public site).

If you missed the meeting you missed Valcumrie’s fine butt. And many of us ate way too much of his butt due its deliciousness. Thanks to Valcumrie and Monkey Dread for hosting us.

If you want to be heard, post your dumbass comments on the FB and then plan on cumming to the next MM – probably in April 2021.

Congratulations to Lick & Felt Her - unbeknownst to you, this makes you a Grand Master with all rights and privileges (basically you are allowed to bitch more than most).

“Hashing is fun; See you on trail!”