Teaching Hospital Administration in UPCPH - A Legacy

I got a Master in Hospital Administration (MHA) degree in 1991 from the University of the Philippines College of Public Health (UPCPH). What instigated me to take the MHA in 1989 were 1) I was appointed as the Assistant Medical Director of Manila Doctors Hospital in 1989 and 2) as Director of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine of the University of the Philippines College of Medicine (also appointed in 1989), I was to supervise the Diploma in Clinical Medicine being pushed by then Dean Marita Reyes (the Diploma course contained a subject in Administration).

After graduation, I have been invited to give lectures to MHA students of CPH and its summer short courses on hospital administration starting 1992 or 1993. As of 2018 (26 years now), I am still being invited. Every time, I would be invited, I readily agreed.. One, return service to my alma mater, UPCPH. Second, I consider teaching MHA students as a way of improving the hospital services for the Filipino people. Thus, a legacy that I leave and will leave behind for UPCPH, its masteral students and the Filipino people.

I am thankful to the following UPCPH faculty who have invited me before and up to now (2018):

1. Dr. Ruben Caragay

2. Dr. Fernando Sison

3. Dr. Edgardo Recon

4. Dr. Emerito Faraon

5. Dr. Richard Javier

6. Dr. Carlos Primero Gundran

Topics included the following:

  • System Approach in the Management of Hospital Departments

  • Best Practices in Hospital Administration

  • Hospital Accreditation

  • Balanced Scorecard

  • Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning in a Hospital Setting

  • Emergency Room

  • Department of Surgery

  • Operating Room and Recovery Room

  • Outpatient Department

  • Hospital Disaster Preparedness and Safe Hospital Initiative

  • Quality Assurance Programs in Hospital




ROJ Teaching Master in Hospital Administration in UP-CPH

Facebook Album


NOTES in Facebook Album: Master in Hospital Administration Classes and Sessions in UP College of Public Health. I have been a lecturer from 1992-2005, 2008 to present, both regular classes and short courses. I enjoy this. My personal objective and advocacy: I teach MHA so that Philippine hospitals will be managed well for the benefit for the Filipino people. I teach MHA for the benefit of the Filipino patients. This is part of my Education for Health Development in the Philippines Advocacy.

See Lectures in Google site:

ROJOSON Lectures in UP-CPH



See my Lectures in Slideshare




Arlene Fajardo One of the best teachers not only in Surgery but also in MHA. Thank you for the lessons and opportunities Sir. (2016)


