ROJoson Bonus Lifespan and Extended Mission-Service-Y1

ROJoson BLS-EMS-Y1 = ROJoson Bonus Lifespan and Extended Mission-Service-Y1 (February 2019 to January 31, 2020)

As part of my Intentional Living Plan and Journey, I made this table for my compass, personal guide and reminder:

*Made this table in January 30, 2020.

My Intentional Living Plan @70 targeted 70 years old as my first graduation day.  

As can be seen in ROJoson@70 Memoir (, I have lived my life to the fullest and achieved what I wanted to accomplish on January 31, 2019.  I was ready to die on January 31, 2019.

Since I am still alive after January 31, 2019, starting February 1, 2019, I made another Intentional Living Plan with a realistic and stretched targets, at 75 years old and 83 years old respectively, with clear justifications for the targets.

Realistic target - 5 years - age 75 years old - 2024 - this is based on mortality experience or trend.

Stretched target - 13 years - age 83 years old - 2032:

I consider each year, each month, each week, each day, each hour, each second after February 1, 2019 as BONUS LIFESPAN for me.  That is why I use the term - BONUS LIFESPAN - BONUS LIFESPAN Year 1, Year 2, etc.

I have worked with government institutions before.  My mandatory age of retirement at the University of the Philippines Manila (UP College of Medicine) and Ospital ng Manila Medical Center is 65.  When you are retained in the workforce after the mandatory age retirement, the process is called EXTENSION OF SERVICE.  I am adopting this term for myself or in my Intentional Life Plan or Journey - EXTENSION OF MISSION-SERVICE.  As mentioned above, at age 70, last January 31, 2019, I have achieved what I want to accomplish after setting indicators of contentment.  Since I am still alive after January 31, 2019, I will continue on with my missions (advocacies) and services (particularly to my patients). Thus, I use the term - EXTENSION OF MISSION-SERVICE.

When I evaluate myself each year after January 31, 2019, I will use BONUS LIFESPAN-EXTENSION OF MISSION-SERVICE (BLS-EMS) as the differentiating tag.  I will include the year also, such BLS-EMS-Y1 (which means January 31, 2020); BLS-EMS-Y2 (which means January 31, 2021); etc.

So, what transpired in BLS-EMS-Y1 or what is my self-evaluation at BLS-EMS-Y1? (February 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020)

Foremost, I am still alive and not crippled (still very functional) and relatively healthy with no evident incurable diseases yet.

If I use my other outcome parameters in my Intentional Living Plan, I have successfully maintained myself in being PRODUCTIVE; HAVING PEACE OF MIND; CONTENTED; ENJOYING LIFE; HAPPY; AND PREPARED TO DIE ANYTIME.

During this BLS-EMS-Y1, I have accomplished the following (milestones):

(Note: During this BLS-EMS-Y1, I continued to be productive, contented and satisfied with ROJoson Advocacies, ROJoson's Way, ROJoson Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning, and ROJoson Indigent Patient Help Program which I am and will be "extending" as part of my Mission and Service.)

See details in ROJoson’s Milestones – 2019 and down the page.

Although I still have an Intentional Living Plan @70to75to83 that is not yet completed, I am already contented with what I have accomplished in BLS-EMS-Y1 and can die on January 31, 2020.  I have always conditioned myself to be contented every day, to be ready to die anytime any day and to accept the reality that I may not be able to accomplish everything that I formulated in my Intentional Living Plan @70to75to83.

Last December 2019, I have already made a comprehensive evaluation of my 2019 Intentional Living Journey and I am contented and happy with the results and I am on track and satisfied.


ROJoson Intentional Life Plan Evaluation – 2019 – Staying Alive and Not Crippled—2019—staying-alive-and-not-crippled

ROJoson Intentional Life Plan – Evaluation – 2019 – Being Productive—evaluation—2019—being-productive

ROJoson Intentional Life Plan – Evaluation – 2019 – Having Peace of Mind—evaluation—2019—having-peace-of-mind

ROJoson Intentional Life Plan – Evaluation – 2019 – Having Contentment in Life—evaluation—2019—having-contentment-in-life

ROJoson Intentional Life Plan – Evaluation – 2019 – Having Enjoyment in Life—evaluation—2019—having-enjoyment-in-life

Aside from the abovementioned milestones (for me), I like to say that another happiest moment during my BLS-EMS-Y1 is when my son, Rey Benjamin I. Joson, was voted most favorite first-year surgical resident by his co-residents in the Department of Surgery of the Philippine General Hospital.  This is another major slice of contentment, enjoyment and happiness for me and I am ready to die.

Full recognition of my contribution to Zamboanga Medical School Foundation (now Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine)

Invited to be a keynote speaker in the 25th Anniversary of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine – July 2019 – but regrets – but had full recognition of my contribution by Dean Fortunato Cristobal

 -UPMAS 2019 Distinguished Alumnus Award (

- Full recognition of my being a dexterous surgeon


Dr. George Eufemio, my teacher in surgery, had asked me to assist him in his major operations before.  The last one was when he asked me to assist him in his operation for Dr. Roel Romero in Cardinal Santos Memorial Hospital about 20 years ago.

Dr. Antonio Limson, my teacher in surgery, had asked me to assist him in his major operations before.  He even asked me to be the one to operate on his son in Medical Center Manila.

Dr. Arturo de la Pena, who has been praised by his students for his skillful surgery, during his retirement from the UP College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital  told the public (the audience) on two occasions last December 5, 2019 and December 12, 2019, of my contribution as a teacher to his “refined” surgical skills.

Below, an excerpt of Dr. Arturo de la Pena’s speech during his testimonial dinner at PGH on December 5, 2019 on Dr. Joson’s contribution to the refinements of his surgical skill.


Below is a testimonial of Dr. Arturo de la Pena on my retirement in 2014.