Hospital Disaster Preparedness - An Advocacy - A Legacy

I started my active advocacy in hospital disaster preparedness in 2005 when I revived the Disaster Preparedness Committee or Program of Manila Doctors Hospital.I refined and institutionalized it to the point that MDH became a role model in hospital preparedness program in private hospitals from 2005 onwards. Originally known as MDH Disaster Preparedness Committee, it is now known as MDH Safety Promotion and Disaster Preparedness Committee. The Committee is still active as of 2018.

From 2005 to 2016, I would usually be invited to forums on hospital disaster preparedness with me serving as a resource person representing the private hospital sectors. I had lectured and conducted seminar-workshop on hospital preparedness programs and safe hospital initiative in Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center; government and private hospitals; in University of the Philippines College of Public Health; and in Asian countries under the sponsorship of World Health Organization.

I also developed the Disaster Preparedness Program of Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center before my retirement in 2014. My last act of consultancy was in 2016 when I coached Zamboanga City Medical Center on its Business Continuity Program.

I developed a structured code white system in Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center. I also developed the Rain-Flood-Wind Emergency Preparedness Program for Manila Doctors Hospital.

Thus, as an advocate for the past 13 years, I will and am leaving behind a legacy on hospital disaster preparedness program including safe hospital initiative to make hospitals safe for their patients, staff, and as well as the public in times of disasters.

Manila Doctors Hospital's Disaster Preparedness Program / Safety Promotion and Disaster Preparedness Program


Rain-Flood=Wind Emergencies Preparedness Program

Ospital ng Maynial Medical Center - Department of Surgery Disaster Preparedness Program

Alert Code System

2007 - Regional Training Course on Mass Casualty Management - Cambodia

2008 - Regional Training Course on Mass Casualty Management - Laos

2009 - Safe Hospital Initiative - DOH - WPRO - Training for DOH Emergency Managers - Boracay

2011 - August - Hanoi, Vietnam

2014 - Sri Lanka

October 12, 2015 - After my presentation of Strategic Plan for Safe Hospitals Initiative in Sri Lanka to Ministry of Health

2015 - DOH - Central Office Business Continuity Program

2016 - Zamboanga City Medical Center

References and Links:


Posted on July 14, 2011by reyojoson

Art Pesigan as a Facilitator to ROJOSON’s Interest and Advocacy in Hospital Disaster Preparedness

A bon voyage honoring from ROJOSON to Art Pesigan (July 14, 2011)

In the summer of 1990, I completed my Master in Hospital Administration (MHA) in the University of the Philippines College of Public Health (UP-CPH).

In the first semester of school-year 1991-1992, Art Pesigan, then a faculty of UP-CPH, offered a 1-unit course in Disaster Management. This was the first course ever to be offered by the UP-CPH. When I heard about it, despite the fact that I was done with my MHA, because of my interest to learn disaster management, I enrolled.

That was my first interaction with Art Pesigan on disaster preparedness.

I tried to apply what I learned in disaster management in Manila Doctors Hospital by formulating a disaster preparedness plan for the hospital in 1992. However, the disaster preparedness program was NOT sustained until 2005 when as head of the Corporate Planning Office, I reactivated it.

Starting 2006, when Art Pesigan was already with World Health Organization Western Pacific Region in charge of the Emergency and Humanitarian Action Unit, he would invite me to his projects in disaster preparedness.

In December, 2006, he invited me to attend the consultation workshop in Subic on a module for WHO – WPRO Regional Training Course for Mass Casualty Management and Hospital Preparedness.

In 2007 and 2008, he invited me to be a Module Writer and Facilitator on Hospital Emergency Response Plan, a module for WHO – WPRO Regional Training Course for Mass Casualty Management and Hospital Preparedness; September 24-28, 2007, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and November 24-28, 2008, in Vientiane, Lao. In 2009 and 2010, I could have been a facilitator again for this course had I not begged off because of busy schedule in preparing for a new hospital (MGT Medical Center).

In 2009, he invited me to be a Module Writer and Facilitator on Training on Safe Hospitals in Disasters, a Module for WHO – WPRO Regional Training Course for Safe Hospitals in Disasters (February 2-4, 2009 in Manila and June 2-3, 2009 in Boracay).

In 2011, he again invited to be a facilitator in the Regional Training Course on “Hospital and Health Facility Emergency Exercises”in Hanoi, Vietnam (August 22-26, 2011).

Indeed, Art Pesigan facilitated my interest and advocacy in hospital disaster preparedness.

Starting this year, 2011, I will enhance my advocacy, dubbing it as Hospital Safety Promotion and Disaster Preparedness. As I embarked on this enhanced advocacy, I will have Art Pesigan in mind and will forever be grateful to him for what I am doing now in terms of my advocacy and what I have gained in terms of experience and competency as a result of his facilitation.

Thank you, Art. We will keep in touch even when you are in Kobe, Japan. We will continue to make hospitals SAFE!
