ROJ Legacy for Xavier School

ROJ Legacy for Xavier School

I have lived the Xavierian Ideal as attested by my being conferred the Xavier-Kuangchi Exemplary Alumnus Award in March 15, 2013.

I have published a booklet, entitled "The Xavierian Ideal (As Embodied by Dr. Rey), which I have donated to Xavier School in March 15, 2013.

These are my legacies for Xavier School. [DONE as of March 15, 2013]

Dr Rey

March 15, 2013

The Xavierian Ideal

1. “Men fully alive” — imbued with the truly human and universal virtues of love, mutual respect and harmony with all He is ruled by a well-educated conscience.

He strives to keep close contact with God and to seek God’s Will in his life. (CONSCIENCE)

He appreciates his God-given gifts and; at the same time, he is conscious of his weaknesses, even as he tries to improve himself in every way that he can. (CHARACTER)

2. “Endowed with a passion for justice” — has devoted his lift to or is actively involved in humanitarian work or other selfless endeavors for the service of society

He interacts with people from different levels of society and works with them in a peaceful and effective manner. (COMMUNITY)

He strives to be a neighbor, especially to those most needy and marginalized in imitation of Christ’s compassionate option for the poor and tries to live a life of SIMPLICITY to be in solidarity with the poor. Most of all, he works for justice i.e., working towards eliminating unjust structures. (COMPASSION)

3. “and the skills for development” — has fully actualized his potentials and continues to excel in his field

He has a track record of excellence in whatever healthy field of human endeavor. (COMPETENCE)

He embraces his unique identity and has exploited the various cultural influences in his life to expand his horizons, including his Asian soul. (CULTURE)
