Innovative Medical Curriculum - An Accomplishment - A Legacy

In 1993, in the process of helping Dr. Fortunato Cristobal established and developed the Zamboanga Medical School Foundation, I helped formulated an innovative medical curriculum - a problem-based, competency-based, and community based medical curriculum. This curriculum was tried by the Bicol Christian College of Medicine from 1995 to 2003 and the Southwestern University College of Medicine from 1995 to 2000. The curriculum is still being used up to now (2018) by Zamboanga Medical School Foundation (now Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine) with some modifications.

In 2017, I reviewed and refined the medical curriculum and adjusted it to an outcome-based curriculum as required by the Commission of Higher Education. It is under ROJMHAS (ROJoson Medical and Health Administration School) see ROJMHAS Curriculum

This is a legacy that I am and will leave behind in the field of medical education.

ROJMHAS - ROJoson Medical and Health Administration School

General Guidelines in the Design of the Medical Curriculum of ROJMHAS

The medical curriculum of the ROJ Medical and Health Administration School (ROJMHAS) is designed according to the following general guidelines:

1. Philosophy-vision-mission of the ROJMHAS.

2. Outcome-based learning approach. Program outcomes consist of the following:

2.1.Basic-generalist, primary health care or primary care physician

2.2 Special elective skills (such as emergency medicine, health service / program administration, public health and health sciences education)

2.3 Skills in solving a community health problem

2.4 Philippine Board of Medicine passer

3. Competency-based learning approach.

4. Community-oriented-based learning approach.

4.1 Each student will spend about 25% of the medical course in a community learning medicine and solving the health problems of the community.

4.2 Each student has an assigned community such as a barangay health station or a rural health unit in the City and nearby provinces as his/her laboratory for learning. He/She is exposed to his/her assigned community as early as his/her first year of medical schooling.

4.3 In his/her assigned community, under the guidance of a faculty, he/she will serve as a community physician who will manage the health problems of individuals.

4.4 In his/her assigned community, under the guidance of a faculty, he/she will serve as a community physician who will solve the health problems of the community. He/She is expected to solve at least one community health problem during his/her entire medical schooling. This is one of the major requirements for passing the course or for graduation.

5. Problem-based learning approach.

6. Distance education mode of teaching and learning especially when students are in the community away from the school.

7. The selection of contents will be on the basis of expected outcomes of graduates, importance (“must know”) and relevance to being a primary or basic physician and to being a solver of the health problems of the community.

8. The organization of the content will be structured:

8.1 From general to specific.

8.2 From simple to complex.

8.3 From basic to advanced.

8.4 Based on prioritization of importance and relevance.

8.5 Based on rational sequence.

9. The overall design of the instruction is such that it starts from an overview, framework, progressing to foundation, development, and ending in mastery.

10. Integrated approach as early as the first year of medical schooling with no medical subspecialty departmentalization of subject matter and no separation of basic and clinical sciences.

11. Self-directed learning will be promoted through a problem-based learning approach, self-instructional programs, and independent study.

12. Emphasis on active learning activities such as group discussions, direct patient and community contacts, practicum, and projects as modes of teaching and learning.

13. Avoidance of lectures as a primary mode of teaching and learning.

14. Preparation of students for the Philippine Board of Medicine examination

Design of Medical Curriculum