Surgical Oncology Program in the Philippines - A Legacy

In 1994, when I was the Chief of the Division of the Head and Neck, Breast, Soft Tissue, and Esophageal Surgery of the Philippine General Hospital, I initiated the establishment of the clinical fellowship on Surgical Oncology. This was the first clinical fellowship on Surgical Oncology in the Philippines. We produced the first graduate in 1995 in the person of Dr. Ma. Lourdes de Leon-Matsuda. As of 2017, the program has produced 21 graduates. From 1995 to 1998, the clinical fellowship program was only for one year. Starting 1999, the training period was extended to two years.

Below is the list of graduates of the program:

The clinical fellowship on Surgical Oncology of the Philippine General Hospital is a legacy that I left behind in the realm of surgical oncology training program in the Philippines.

