ROJoson's Facebook Project as a Legacy to the Filipino People

I officially started using Facebook on June 16, 2011 with the goal of Education for Health Development in the Philippines.

In November 3, 2018, my Facebook Project is 7 and a half years old already.

Three months before my graduation day on January 31, 2019, I make this evaluation. (November 3, 2018)

In the past, I already made several evaluations (2011 December – 6 months after usage; 2013 – 24 months after usage; 2014 – 3 years after; 2015 – 4.5 years after; 2016 – 5 years after usage). The overall result has always been positive and my friends have consistently wanted me to continue my Facebook Project or Postings.

In 2014 and 2016, I asked for formal feedback through a survey from my friends in Facebook. The results can be seen in the following links (with 38 and 119 respondents respectively):

The following was my first post in my homepage (profile page) in Facebook on June 16, 2011, spelling out the objectives and contents of my Facebook:

“My Facebook will contain my thoughts, perceptions, opinions, and recommendations (TPORs) on things of interest to me and on things that may be of interest and concern to my patients, to my colleagues, to my friends, and to my family.”


I have fulfilled all the objectives that were set at the start, namely:

“My Facebook will contain my thoughts, perceptions, opinions, and recommendations (TPOR) on things of interest to me and on things that may be of interest and concern to my patients, to my colleagues, to my friends, and to my family.” [I have “likes” and “comments” from all of my intended readers.]

I have been using the Facebook as a personal blog to:

o Facilitate communication and keeping in touch with my patients, students, colleagues in the medical profession, classmates, friends, and with my family;

o Advance my advocacy on “Education for Health Development in the Philippines,” which I started in 1989;

o Share on my personal thoughts, perceptions, opinions, and recommendations (TPORs) in the following four areas: Medicine; Hospital Administration; Medical Education; and Life. (with focus on the following specific topics: Breast Wellness; Thyroid Wellness; Hospital Quality Management System; Hospital Safety Promotion and Disaster Preparedness Program; and Problem-based Learning in Medicine and Surgery.)

The missions of my Facebook Project are spelled out as such: to infoshare; to inspire; to improve.

Infoshare means to inform and share information and my TPORs (Thoughts, Perceptions, Opinions and Recommendations) which will lead to the other missions to inspire and to improve.

Inspire means to motivate changes for the better or learning on the part of my friends or readers.

Improve means to produce positive changes in behavior (learning) which is the ultimate target of my Facebook Project and Blogs, that is, Education for Health Development in the Philippines Program.

I am achieving the missions of my Facebook Project as evidenced by the responses of friends in my Timelines and the increasing number of requests to be connected or to follow me.

I have reached the 5000-friend Facebook Timeline quota in June 2017.

I have created an extension in the form of group page (Reynaldo O Joson 2). I have now 961 friends as of November 3, 2018 in my Group Page Reynaldo O Joson 2.

I have created a second Timeline or Profile with the same name Reynaldo O Joson and same theme (my profile picture in coat and tie vs medical gown on the first Timeline) on September 13, 2018 after I was blocked by Facebook. As of November 3, 2018, I have 35 friends with 94 on the request list (I will screen them as I don’t want double membership in my two Timelines).

I am also achieving my OCIL objective in my Facebook Project. OCIL stands for Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning. I started this in 1999 to conduct online learning sessions particularly with surgical residents, medical students, and students in hospital administration. Google “Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning ROJoson” and you will see the links.

One link is:

OCIL is learning being effected collaboratively with online interaction not only among the learner-participants but also with the facilitator. As the facilitator, I work on the premise that I don’t know everything though I know something on the learning topic and I recognize the importance of the help of my learner-participants through collaboration and interaction in coming out with a most fruitful learning session.

I have extended this OCIL (though informally) when I started using Facebook in 2011.

Honestly, I say I have achieved the goal of Education for Health Development in the Philippines. Friends have been positively influenced by my posts and advocacies. Friends have been informed, inspired and improved by my posts and advocacies. This is a legacy I want to leave behind for the Filipino people.

For details of my Facebook, visit these two timelines:

See also the album on “Delightful Feedback to Me“.

Some samples of feedback to me:

For the longest time that I was blocked by Facebook in posting from September 13, 2018 to October 13, 2018 (one month), I have a lot of Facebook friends telling me they missed my posts in Facebook. This is a blessing in disguise as I got to feel the pulse of my readers.

See the feedback here –

Note the 75 likes.

Sample feedback from 2016 survey:

Continue with what you are sharing thru FB. It does not only help your colleagues but it also helps us be aware of everything. Your knowledge of writing is your tool to reach other people. You educate us by your writing and it motivates us to be aware, be alert, and be conscious of our health. Commendable to all people either patients or colleagues. And with your writing it really is mightier than sword. Kudos!

Sir, Thank you so much for sharing yourself to us. You helped me to be the surgeon that Iam now. Your teachings during our residency were valuable that up until now we are using. Even the MAR, lahat po ng nangyayari po sa akin, profession or otherwise,I learn to reflect tulad ng MAR po natin. Maraming marami salamat po Doc. More blessing po and God be with you always at sana po marami pa po kayong matulungan weather po patients or doctor. Salamat po Doc!

I have not met yet a Doctor like you. Please continue your great mission. You inspire us. You educate us. I always read your post. Everything on your wall. Thank you Dr.Rey.

Topic Categories of Interests by Friends (2014 and 2016 surveys):

For details on my FACEBOOK PROJECT, visit:
