This site contains the ROJoson@70 Memoir.
Date of site creation: October 24, 2018
Published by Reynaldo O. Joson
NOTE: This will be continually edited and updated.
Last edited and updated: 19feb1
Outline: (Draft)
How I live my 70 years of life
ROJoson's Life Milestones up to 70
Autobiography up to 2013 as published in Xavierian Ideal
ROJoson's Curriculum Vitae
How I was able to stay alive up to age 70
Stress Management Program
Retirement, Slowing Down, Aging Gracefully
Last 6 months countdown before age 70
Life Plans (1994 - 2018)
Omitted are events that are too stressful to be published as well as confidential ones.
ROJ@18oct24; 19feb1
Memoirs or Legacies after January 31, 2019 (after 70)