ROJ Legacy for University of the Philippines College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital

I started building my legacies for my alma mater, University of the Philippines Manila, College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital, only after being connected with them after graduation (in1974 - 1975 UPCM and internship at PGH; in 1981 after general surgery residency in PGH). The only exception, however, is the paper that I wrote before my graduation in general surgery residency in PGH in 1981. I wrote a paper in 1979 entitled "Problems and Rehabilitation of Filipino Stoma Patients" (published in international journal and sought after and the only one of each kind in the Philippines); I organized the first Philippine Stoma Association in the Philippines in PGH; and I initiated the formation of Philippine Enterostomal Therapist in the Philippines in PGH in 1979. These are the legacies that I will and am leaving behind in PGH while I was still a general surgery resident in the said hospital.

After 1981, I became connected with UPCM and PGH as faculty and consultant in general surgery.

Here are excepts from my curriculum vitae related to UPCM and PGH reflecting on my legacies to these institutions:

Faculty, UP College of Medicine (1985 -2014) [Post-retirement Clinical Professor in Surgery – 2014 -2018 -]

Retired Professor V, University of the Philippines College of Medicine, Department of Surgery (2014)

Chairman, Year Level 7 Committee (1988)

Director, UP Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (1989-1991)

Faculty, UPCM Medical Education Unit (1992 – 2014)

Chairman, Committee on Graduate Program, Department of Surgery, UP College of Medicine (2004 – 2014)

Chief, Division of Head and Neck, Breast, Esophagus, and Soft Tissue Surgery,

Department of Surgery, Philippine General Hospital (July 13, 1994 - 2000) (Acting Chief – 1992 – 1994)

I finished three Master degrees in UP Manila:

    • Master in Hospital Administration (MHA), UP College of Public Health (1991)

    • Master in Health Profession Education (MHPEd), UP National Teachers Training Center for Health Profession (1993)

    • Master of Science in General Surgery (MS Surg), UP College of Medicine (1998)

Pertinent Awards and Recognition:

University of the Philippine Medical Alumni Society’s 2003 Outstanding Educator Awardee (December, 2003)

University of the Philippine Alumni Association’s 2004 Professional Awardee in Medicine (June, 2004)

University of the Philippines Alumni Association Lifetime Distinguished Achievement Awardee (2015)

Awardee, Lino Ed Lim Award for the Most Outstanding Medical Teacher in the Clinical Sciences, University of the Philippines College of Medicine, 2004-2005 (November 16, 2004)

Finalist, Dr. Jose P. Rizal Memorial Awards in Academe and Research, Philippine Medical Association (November 26, 2004 and October, 2005)

Most Outstanding Teacher in Oncology, Philippine Society of Oncology (October, 2006) Faculty Achiever Award, University of the Philippines College of Medicine, November 21, 2006 (Most Outstanding Teacher in Oncology, Philippine Society of Oncology, October, 2006)

Centennial Professorial Chair, University of the Philippines Manila (2008)

16th Alfredo T. Ramirez Memorial Lecturer, UP-PGH Department of Surgery, September 7, 2016




On January 31, 2014 (on the day of my official retirement from UPCM and PGH upon reaching age 65), I wrote the following as my legacies" for UPCM and PGH:

  • Contribution to major renovation of GSI Office (July, 2013)

  • Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program (established in 1991, with 19 graduates as of 2013)

  • Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program (established in 1995, with 15 graduates as of 2013)

  • Master of Science in Surgery (first graduate in 1998, with 3 graduates under me as Chair of the Graduate Programs of the Department of Surgery)

  • Patient Management Process

  • Problem-based learning

  • Blended learning (residential and online with egroup and website and teleconferences)

  • Instructional Manuals and Modules (Manual for Surgical Interns; Module on Breast Health Problems; etc.)

  • Outreached educational missions (Postgraduate Institute of Medicine UPCM-DOH Circuit Courses; Zamboanga City Medical Center; Zamboanga Medical School Foundation; etc.)

  • Inspiration and role model on being holistic physician-surgeon (MD, community-MD, MD-teacher, MD-learner, MD-researcher; MD-administrator) to medical students, surgical residents and fellows, and colleagues in the Department of Surgery and the UP College of Medicine)

This was published in 1990 by the University of the Philippines College of Mediicine Publication Committee. This has been extensively used by surigical interns in various hospitals. The forerunner of this book is “Basic Introduction to the Operation” completed in 1985 which served as the core for this “Manual for Surgical Interns” in 1990 and also for “Nurses as Members of the Surgical Team” completed in 1998 (

ROJoson’s Structural Legacies for UPCM and PGH

Donation of Anatomy Student Computer Lab to Department of Anatomy (UPCM Class 74 – 25th Anniversary Donation – 2000)

Renovation of PGH Department of Surgery GSI Office (July 2013) [my retirement contribution]

Renovation of the UPCM Dean’s Office Complex (2014)

Donation of Computer to the UPCM Research and Learning Center (2015)

Donation to UPCM BSLR Project (2015 – ongoing)

References and Links:

Writings Related to GSI Specialties and Medical Education:

    • Tumors of the parotid gland: a clinicopathological study of 139 cases [Philipp J Surg Spec 1978; 33(1):10-30.] (while still a GS resident)

    • Blindness after bilateral neck dissection. Joson RO. MJEAC 1985; 1:174. (1985)

    • Experience in Neck Dissections. Joson RO. MJEAC 1986; 2(1): 29-39. (1986)

    • Frey Syndrome. Joson RO. MJEAC 1986; 2(2): 141 –145. (1986)

    • Basic Introduction to the Operation (1985)

    • Manual for Surgical Interns published by the UP College of Medicine (1990)

    • Nurses as Members of the Surgical Team (1988)

    • Thyroid Surgical Diseases (1985)

    • Neck Dissection (1986)

    • Needle Evaluation of Surface Lumps (1989)

    • Thyroid nodule aspiration: diagnostic usefulness and limitations (1989)

    • Gross pathological diagnosis of the thyroid gland. Joson RO.Philipp J Surg Spec 1990; 45(4):138-141. (1990)

    • Active observation in the evaluation of patients with possible acute appendicitis. Joson RO. Philipp J Surg Spec 1990; 45(3):108-111. (1990)

    • Experience with 83 pectoralis major myocutaneous flaps in head and neck defect reconstruction. Joson, RO. Asian Journal of Surgery 1990; 13(2): 84-87.(1990)

    • Gross identification of the parathyroid glands. Joson RO. Philipp J Surg Spec 1991; 46(3):120-122. (1991)

    • Teleconferencing as a teaching and learning mode for surgical trainees based in ZamboangaCity. Joson RO. UPM Journal 1995; 1:22-25. (1995)

    • Formative evaluation of an innovative medical curriculum. Joson RO. Education for Health 1996; 9(2):201-208. (1996)

    • Reflection of a Surgical Educator in The Healing Cut, Department of Surgery, UPCM-PGH, Anvil Publishing, 1999. p 219-233. (1999)

    • Breast Health Problems – A Module for UPCM Medical Students (2005)

Masteral Studies:

    • Master in Hospital Administration from UP College of Public Health (1991)

    • Master in Health Profession Education from UP NationalTeacherTrainingCenter for Health Professions (1993)

    • Master of Science in Clinical Medicine from UP College of Medicine (1998) (the first graduate of this course).

GSI Fellowship Programs:

    • I developed the first Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program in the country in 1991 when I was the Assistant Chief of the GSI Division. As of 2013, there are 19 graduates.

    • I also developed the first structured Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program in the country in 1995 when I was chief of the GSI Division. As of 2013, there are 14 graduates.

Educational and Professional Awards:

    • Mammadi Soudavar Memorial Fellowship (Traveling Fellowship for Study in Cancer Centers, USA, Canada, Hong Kong) – July to December 1984

    • Hall of Fame Award in 1986 as one of the outstanding consultants for three consecutive years (1986)

    • University of the Philippine Medical Alumni Society Outstanding Educator Awardee (2003)

    • Lino Ed Lim Awardee for the Most Outstanding Medical Teacher in the Clinical Sciences, University of the PhilippinesCollege of Medicine (2004)

    • University of the Philippine Alumni Association’s 2004 Professional Awardee in Medicine (2004)

    • Most Outstanding Teacher in Oncology by the Philippine Society of Oncology (2006)

    • UP Manila Centennial Professorial Chair (2008)

GSI strategic planning that I initiated in 1996 when I became the Chief with one of the outputs being the vision and mission statements of GSI

Distance Learning Promotion

GSI Website (1999) –

GSI Egroup (August 10, 2006)

This is the egroup of the staff (consultants, graduates, fellows, and residents) of General Surgery 1 Division or GS1 or Division of Head and Neck, Thyroid, Breast, and Surgical Oncology of the Department of Surgery of the University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital.

The UP-PGH GS1 Egroup will serve as a tool and venue for:

1. Continuing medical- surgical education

2. Sharing of information

3. Exchange of ideas

4. Teaching and learning

The ultimate goal is improvement of the specialty of GS1, with impact on its operation, on its staff and graduates, and most important of all, on its clients and patients, mainly, the Filipino people.

Debate as a Way of Learning (1994 – Debate among residents and Debate with residents of ZamboangaCityMedicalCenter)

Department of Surgery MSc Program – Chairman, Committee on Graduate Programs ( 2006 – 2014); aside from being the first graduate, under my chairmanship of the program, I have three graduates to my credit (Dr. Carmela Lapitan; Dr. Alex Want (Mongolia); Dr. Glenn Genuino)

Contribution to the Renovation of GSI Division (July 2013)


Other Links:

2013 Get-together of Graduates of GSI Fellowship Programs

UPCM Medical Students Preceptorship

UPCM LU 3 Physical Examination & Diagnosis Head & Neck Session

UPCM LU3 PE – Breast – 2012

UPCM LU5 Preceptorial in PGH Breast Care Center – Sept. 28, 2012

UPCM LU5 Preceptorial – 12oct17

UPCM Year Level IV Preceptorial Circa 2003 – 4 in OPD Clinic

ROJoson’s 2012 UPCM LU4 Lecture – Benign Breast Conditions

ROJoson’s 2013 UPCM LU4 Lecture – Benign Breast Conditions

ROJoson as a Medical Lecturer and Resource Person – 1982 onwards

PGH Department of Surgery – ROJoson’s Memorabilia

Thesis Proposal – Dr. Glenn Genuino – MSc Surgery – July 11, 2012

UPCM Tasks cum Honor for Retiring ROJoson

GS1 Office – Blessing – 13jul17
