Continually Publish Your Writings in the Net - An Advocacy - A Legacy

In February 5, 2014, in my speech during the GSI Testimonial Dinner for me on my retirement from the University of the Philippine College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital, one advice that I gave my colleagues and students was this: CONTINUALLY PUBLISH YOUR WRITINGS IN THE NET.

Continually publish your writings in the Net.

As faculty-consultants, we do a lot of meaningful and useful writings for our students, lectures, researches, journals, books, public health education, etc.  I suggest you publish all your writings in the Net.  There are a lot of free websites in the Internet which you can use to publish your writings, such as and Google sites.

Why am I advising this?

Foremost reason is the effect of your eventual retirement and death on your writings.  If you don’t publish them in the Net, your writings will retire and die with you.  The hard copies of your writings in your cabinets and the soft copies in your computers will be lost soon after your retirement and your death.  There will be no records of your writings.  One negative consequence of this is that nobody knows what you had written before.  Another negative consequence is that if somebody remembers and would like to use them, it will be hard to find them anymore.   Thus, the utility and the impact of your writings expired quickly if you don’t publish them.  If you publish them in the Net, your writings will be retrievable for at least 30 years, maybe up to 100 years, based on my experience with my personal online publications which I started doing in 1988 or 1989.

The second equally important reason for my last parting advice is the the reach of your writings published in the Net.  If you publish them, the reach in terms of viewership or readership, and therefore impact, is beyond the confines of the Department, College and Hospital.  From my experience, the reach of my online publication is worldwide with viewers from more than 170 countries, majority being in the Philippines, United States, and England.

So, for the reasons I cited, I recommend that you start publishing your writings in the Net as early as now.  Do not wait until age 65 as the utility and impact of your writings will not be as great as when you do publish them earlier while you are still at the prime of your practice, writings, and teaching.  If you are able to reach out to a lot of people with your writings, then you will retire contented, satisfied, delighted, and happy.

I am doing this. Practically all of my past and current writings are in the Net, in the free sites.  

I am happy with the outcome as I am and will be able to have my writings maintained, publicized, and read by many people, and people all over the world, people from all walks of life.  The hits on my sites are plenty enough to make me contented, satisfied, delighted and happy.

This is a legacy that I leave and will leave behind for all professionals, particularly medical professionals, to follow.   



Facebook (June 16, 2011 - )

YouTube (July 21, 2013 - )

Slideshare (August 25, 2013 - )

Scribd (August 25, 2013 - )

Lectures and Speaking Engagement  (2012 – 2017 -  )


Update: December 18, 2023

Above advocacy is related to DIE EMPTY.

History of Die Empty:


Live life to the fullest at the same time die empty of all the goodness that is within you.

Deliver it before you leave this world.

If you have an idea, perform it.

If you have a knowledge, give it out.

If you have a goal, achieve it.

Love, share and distribute, do not keep it inside.

Do not keep the goodness inside of you, and die full of ideas and be a delicious meal for the earthworms in the grave.

Reference: Die Empty – Todd Henry

*Die empty*

One of the most beautiful book to read is “Die Empty” by Todd Henry.

The author was inspired and got this idea of writing ​​this book while attending a business meeting.

When the director asked the audience: “Where is the richest land in the world?”

One of the audience answered: “Oil-rich Gulf states.”

Another added: “Diamond mines in Africa.”

Then the director said: “No it is the cemetery. Yes, it is the richest land in the world, because millions of people have departed, “they have died” and they carried many valuable ideas that did not come to light and benefited others. It is all in the cemetery where they are buried.”

Inspired by this answer, Todd Henry wrote his book “Die empty.” Where he did his best to motivate people to pour out their ideas and potential energies in their communities and turn them into something useful before it is too late.

The most beautiful of what he said in his book is: “Do not go to your grave and carry inside you the best that you have.

*always choose to die empty*

The TRUE meaning of this expression, is to die empty of all the goodness that is within you. Deliver it to the world, before you leave.