ROJ Legacy for Manila Doctors Hospital

I officially joined Manila Doctors Hospital in 1984 as a private practitioner in general surgery.  Thereafter, I was appointed to the following:

I was a member of the Board of Directors, Manila Medical Services, Inc. from 2002 to 2015.  Then Board of Advisers, MMSI from 2016 - 2018.  Thereafter, starting April, 2018, I completely retired from administrative functions in Manila Doctors Hospital after 29 years of service (counting from 1989)

The legacies I am leaving behind for Manila Doctors Hospital are on the following:

Quality Management System

This can be summarized by this slide on the journey towards excellence by MDH which I facilitated up to 2014:

Corporate Planning

I structured the corporate planning system of Manila Doctors Hospital when I was appointed Head of the Corporate Planning Office in 2005.  I held this position until 2009.  The system was continued by Dr. Manuel Villegas, my successor, up to about 2012.

Balanced Scorecard

I initiated the balanced scorecard in Manila Doctors Hospital in 2004.  It has been used as a scorecard for the entire hospital and for all the different departments in the hospital (as of 2016).  It has contributed to the accreditation of MDH to external bodies, like ISO, ACI, and PhilHealth.

MDH Awards for Excellence

I initiated this in 2007.  It was to promote a culture of excellence in MDH. It snowballed MDH winning a lot of external awards.  It was still on in 2013 (8 years after) based on my records.

Disaster Preparedness Program

I revived and made structured and comprehensive the MDH Disaster Preparedness Program in 2005.  For comprehesiveness, the name was later changed to MDH Safety Promotion and Disaster Preparedness Committee.  The MDH SPDPC is still in existence and institutionalized as of November 2018.

Perimeter Flood Advisory

I initiated this practice in 2012 and it is still on as of 2018.

MDH Cancer Crusaders Club

I started the Cancer Crusaders Club in 1988, a cancer support group.  This was later adopted by Manila Doctors Hospital in 2001 to become the MDH Cancer Crusaders Club.  Since then, it has been sustained by Dr. Elsie Dancel and the MDH Oncology and Tumor Board.  It is still existing as of November 27, 2018.  The MDH Cancer Crusaders Club is on its 31st years on December 2018.

2017 - MDH Cancer Crusaders Club - Annual Get-Together

References and Links:


Update: 20feb15

On February 11. 2020 -  MDH Stalwart Award (36 years of service)

Introduction by Dr. Bernadette Hogar-Manlapat and Dr. Manuel Villegas

Dr. Reynaldo Joson: surgeon, oncologist, teacher, statesman, strategist, advocate, administrator, visionary, mover, brother, and father. Dr. Rey loving husband of Dr.Jackie and a model father to a co-windsurfer and surgeon, Lance and Therese.

Dr. Rey has LOVED Manila Doctors Hospital and what it stands for. Due to this, he COMMITTED much of his TIME to the care of patients, the training of the medical and non-medical staff, the strengthening of hospital processes, the accreditation of the hospital and the promotion of its image to the community. This boundless SHARING of himself have left a MARK in our hearts and a LEGACY of EXCELLENCE. Dr. Rey is the EPITOME of what a Physician should be.

A Renaissance Person (on the nerdy side), Dr. Rey practiced surgery and hospital administration in Manila Doctors. He is fond of documenting his activities (just look for his blogs and Facebook). Patients, Students, Residents, Nurses, fellow Consultants, as well as tumors, diseases and body parts. His work is like the air that permeates the hospital or the virus that incorporates genetic material into DNA (in a good way). Medical research, action research, emergency preparedness manuals, hospital policies and procedures, letters, recommendations, governance manual, planning documents, mission- vision- core values, competencies, authorized functions, ISO, Accreditation Canada International, training modules, Experiential Learning Sessions, On-line learning sessions, surgical anecdotes, speeches ... a whole library of manuscripts that abound the hospital and the internet.

Dr. Rey has through the years took up key posts in the hospital some of which include: Assistant Medical Director, Quality Council Chair, Head of Corporate Planning Office, Head of Quality Management Office, Coordinator of the Hospital Balanced Scorecard, SPDPC Chair, Member of the Senior Management Team, the Management Committee, the Executive Committee, MMSI Board of Director, Chair of the Audit Committee of the MMSI Board and Senior Vice President for Corporate Affairs.

Dr. Rey, what more can we say... he was one of the TOP Physicians who has exceeded the bounds of Physician Engagement in the hospital.

Currently, Dr. Rey has retired from his role in administration since 2018 but continues to practice surgery and continues to teach and mentor healthcare administrators and clinicians in his on-line learning sessions.

Passion, sharing, giving of himself, a genuine man-for-others. That is Dr. Rey.

We at Manila Doctors Hospital honor you and your LEGACY with this award as MDH Stalwart!

Dr. Manuel Villegas, Jr.

Dr. Bernadette Hogar-Manlapat

ROJoson's Notes:

Yes, I have completely retired from administrative work in Manila Doctors Hospital starting 2018. Am happy about it. Am contented with my decision based on my 2014 resolution: "Determine the end-points in all the programs and projects you want to do in your life that will be considered as criteria for “contented enough.” After you have achieved the end-points, retire completely and just cherish the memories of what you have done. - End-points for Contentment

Reinforcement by Dr. Roger McOozy on February 12, 2020:

Could not have said it any better, Dr. Reynaldo O Joson! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I would have stood up and saluted you, if I was there at the event. Your contribution to MDH and beyond is unsurpassed; and will remain to be so, if not for eternity, for a long, long, long time. You are truly an admirable person, professional, leader, mentor, and family man. I, and I know I speak for more than scores of us, respect you tremendously. I look up to you; am inspired by you; and in awe of your magnanimity. You are a hero in so many ways. The recognition you received was the least that you deserved. Congratulations to you, our beloved Dr. Rey! We are blessed to have been recipients of your generosity of wisdom and spirit. Mabuhay po kayo, sampu ng inyong mga mahal sa buhay! Cheers! 🥂

2023  - MDH Service and Leadership Excellence Awards

MDH Legacy Doctor