Medical Records and Medical Recording - An Advocacy - A Legacy

I have been advocating all persons / all patients to keep their medical records since 2011.

I have been advocating all patients not to leave behind their medical records with their physicians without keeping a copy.

I have been advocating all physicians not to get the medical records of their patients without ensuring the latter have a copy.

I have been practicing and advocating making and giving a copy of outpatient consultation medical records to patients.

I have been practicing and advocating making patients sign the outpatient consultation medical records as a testimony of explanation given with understanding and at the same time, an informed consent and patient's decision on the choice of management.

A legacy that I leave and will leave behind on medical records and medical recording for patients and the physicians.

ROJOSON Advisory: Always Keep a Copy of Your Medical Records

by Reynaldo O Joson on Saturday, July 9, 2011 at 6:05pm

All human beings should keep a copy of their medical records throughout their lifetime!

They should develop a habit and a system of keeping a file of all their medical records.

The records will come in handy when they are needed for medical consults and medical clearances in applications for job, insurance, migration, etc.


DO NOT LEAVE ALL YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS WITH ANY DOCTORS YOU CONSULTED! Make sure you have a copy, preferably, an original copy. In the future, you will have difficulty getting your medical records from your doctors. They may be lost in your doctors’ clinics. Your doctors may die with your records. You may be shy and afraid to get your medical records from your initial doctor when you want to go to another doctor for a second opinion.


ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOUR PATIENTS HAVE A COPY OF THEIR MEDICAL RECORDS IN THEIR POSSESSION! Do NOT get all their medical records without them having a copy. Encourage them to develop a habit of keeping a file of their medical records.

Below are illustrations showing the contents of the outpatient medical records of ROJoson with explanation and signature. A duplicate copy is always given to the patients for their files.