ROJoson as a Role Model in How to Live Life - An Advocacy - A Legacy

How to Live Life - ROJoson Model


I have been searching for literature on how to live life circa 1994. What I found so far are not satisfactory to me.

There are literature on how to stay alive up to 80, 90 and 100. I am not really after how to stay alive up to 80, 90, and 100. What I have been looking for is how to live a meaningful and fulfilled life more than the longevity of life.

After experiencing patients not contented, not happy, when they die even when they have reached 80, 90, and 100, I started testing the hypothesis - why not try to live up to 70 (the rounded-off average of Filipinos and the average life span of people all over the world) and accomplish whatever needs to be done before and at 70 and be ready to die when the time comes.

What I have found are those that I can use 70 as a basis or initial target. The Bible, the World Health Organization (WHO) Statistics and Philippine Statistics on the current lifespan of people all over the world and of Filipinos, and the advocacy of WHO on not dying a premature death (using 70 as the cut-off).

Bible: Psalm 90:10 - "The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty."

The next thing that I did was to look for literature on how to live a meaningful and fulfilled life so as to be contented at the time of death. There are many. I decided to use these as resource materials and references in making recommendations on how to live a meaningful and fulfilled life during the first cut or target of 70 years old.

How to Live Life - ROJoson Model

Basically, my model or framework on how to live life is to first target 70 years old, try to stay alive up to 70 years old and try to accomplish whatever a person wants to accomplish before and at 70 and be contented. If he lives past 70 years old, well and good. At least he is ready to die contented the moment the time comes for him to die.

This is my basic model or framework on how to live life - a model or a framework on how to live a meaningful life, how to live a fulfilled life

I have been teaching my model or framework of living life to my family members, patients, colleagues and friends.

I have been using myself as a role model (by January 31, 2019, I will complete my role modeling act).

See my life plans from 1994 to 2018 -

I hope and pray that everybody that I have shared this model or framework of living life will appreciate and adopt it - my advocacy and my legacy.

Main Reference:


Some ROJoson's Aphorisms-Adages and Maxims
