Retirement, Slowing Down, Aging Gracefully


Retirement, Slowing Down, Aging Gracefully, etc.

Retirement – complete, semi- or partial, or selective

Selective includes the following processes:

– Know what you cannot do anymore! Stop or decrease doing it!

– Know what you do not want to do anymore! Stop doing it!

– Know what you want to do to enjoy the rest of your life on earth! Do it and create your own sense of happiness, satisfaction and productivity!

I will go for selective retirement. This will be the same as slowing down and aging gracefully!

I posted above in Facebook on April 25, 2018:

As of November 9, 2018:

I am completely retired from actual teaching load in the Department of Surgery of Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center. I don’t go to the OMMC anymore to conduct teaching activities (since January 31, 2014 – my mandatory age of retirement in OMMC).

I am completely retired from administrative activities in Manila Doctors Hospital starting April 2018.

I am completely retired as a regular faculty in the Department of Surgery of University of the Philippine College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital since January 31, 2014 – my mandatory age of retirement from a government institution. However, since after my mandatory retirement as a regular faculty, from 2014 up to present, I have a yearly appointment of a clinical professorship (without compensation). I just teach medical students on a preceptorial basis.

As to medical practice, I am selectively retired since 1995 when I gave up my clinic in Medical Center Manila and just maintain a 3 times a week clinic in Manila Doctors Hospital. I still hold clinic, 3 x a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays morning in Manila Doctors Hospital up to the present time (November 9, 2018).

In 2018, as part of my stress management strategy, I have decided to completely retire from giving formal lectures to organizations and societies. The only lectures that I have to decided to retain are in the University of the Philippines College of Public Health for Master of Hospital Administration students and the preceptorial classes of the UP College of Medicine.

I will continue to do blogging in the Internet as part of my Education for Health Development in the Philippines program.

I will continue to create my sense of productivity and happiness, contentment and enjoyment, which I will spell out in my blogs.

Above are my ways of selective retirement, my way of slowing down and aging gracefully!



I will not retire from washing dishes at home because I have no maid now and in the future.

I will not retire from driving because I have no driver. Will retire only when disabled and too dangerous to drive.

I will not retire from walking a dog unless we don’t have a dog anymore and if I am disabled to walk anymore. I find walking the dog a de-stressful activity.

I will not retire from watering the plants unless we don’t have plants at home anymore.
