No to Routine Circumcision in Children - An Advocacy - A Legacy

I initiated the campaign against routine circumcision in children in 2002 when I was Chairman of the Department of Surgery of Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center.


In 2002, OMMC Surgery received an invitation from the Philippine Society of General Surgeons (PSGS) requesting it to conduct Operation Tule as part of the outreach program of PSGS. The Department politely turned down the invitation as it had become aware of studies showing the non-necessity of the operation. This incident initiated the Department to do an in-depth review of the issues on circumcision. It conducted a debate on the pros and cons and after which it decided to make a stand on NO to routine circumcision and NO to Operation Tule. OMMC Surgery committed itself to spearhead an advocacy against the tradition-driven circumcision in the Philippines as part of its social responsibility program to save millions and generations of Filipino children from unnecessary circumcision, its pain and its risk of complications including death.

OMMC Surgery has made several medical associations (Philippine College of Surgeons, Philippine Society of General Surgeons, Philippine Association of Pediatric Surgeons) issued a stand on circumcision. All agreed that routine circumcision is not warranted. In 2003 and 2004, circumcision has been a topic of discussion in postgraduate courses of medical associations, such as PCS and PSGS. OMMC Surgery spearheaded the Surgeons against Circumcision in 2003 and has gotten about 50 signatories.

In 2003, with the blessing of the City of Manila Mayor, OMMC Surgery stopped doing Operation Tule during summer. Several hospitals like Philippine General Hospital and Zamboanga City Medical Center have done similar thing.

The advocacy has reached not only Filipinos in the Philippines but those residing and working abroad. OMMC Surgery is now known internationally as the institution spearheading the advocacy against circumcision in the Philippines.

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From [October, 2003]


OMMC Surgery is known locally and internationally as the institution spearheading the advocacy against routine circumcision in children in the Philippines because of my initiation in 2002.

Upon retirement from OMMC Surgery in 2014, I have decided just to maintain my blogs on NO TO ROUTINE CIRCUMCISION IN CHILDREN so as to continue my advocacy.

I don't know how many children I have saved from unnecessary circumcision. I am sure there is a statistics. I have feedback from Filipino parents supporting my advocacy. I have adult patients consulting for restoration of the foreskin after their unwanted circumcision during childhood.

This is a legacy I leave and want to leave behind. Hopefully, with my blogs still present in the Internet, there will be more awareness and more parents who will not subject their children to the unnecessary circumcision anymore. Only time will tell.

