Issue 63: Leafy Longmead Avenue

As reported elsewhere on this site

( ) residents of Longmead Avenue, spearheaded by Alison Troskie, started a campaign at the beginning of November on to raise £2,525 to replace eight street trees felled as the result of disease.

They've succeeded! Almost 80 donors - not all of whom are residents of Longmead Road - gave between £2 and £100 and raised just over the amount needed.

The fund-raisers intend to put a plaque on the tree nearest to the road's junction with Gloucester Road which will say "Our strength will grow through community."

Following this example, residents of Berkeley Road also initiated a crowdfunding campaign to save three trees that were "deemed to be unsafe by the council's tree officer" in December. As the (extended) deadline was the end of the first week in January, the residents had very little time to raise the £885 needed (£295 per tree) but were successful - great work! As one of the organisers said "it was great to know that so many people care about having trees in our streets".

To read Bishopstonvoice's original article in its entirety, go to: It's the front page article.