Hedge Maintenance, January 18
On January 18, a year to the day after we laid the hedge along the Metford Road allotment boundary, it had its first haircut!
Traditionally laid hedges are usually given a trim one to three years after laying. This promotes extra 'bushiness' lower in the hedge's structure, which is what we're after when laying a hedge to sustain wildlife (as opposed to controlling livestock). The hedge will often be cut again in future years to manage its growth and overall shape; the frequency of this depends on the species mix and overall vigour of the hedge.
The hedge running along the back of the St Oswalds Road houses had its first trim too.
The laying of both of Redland Green's hedges under the expert guidance of Malcolm Dowling was funded by Redland and Cotham Amenities Society. We are most grateful to RCAS for supporting our work to improve the biodiversity of Redland Green.