February: bird box spring clean

In 2020, with funding from Redland and Cotham Amenities Society, RGCG purchased 16 bird nesting boxes, which were put up in trees around the green. In late February, we cleaned the boxes out, in readiness for the new breeding season. This includes removing last year's nests. This is important as the birds make new nests, and would otherwise have to clean the old nests from the boxes themselves. It also is important to remove any other inhabitants, such as pests and parasites, to give the birds a clean start.

This moss and wool-decorated nest came from box 15 near to the tennis courts.

Seven of the boxes contained complete nests, and three had partial nests. The nests were all occupied by blue tits and great tits.

We'll continue to monitor the boxes and may perhaps relocate or modify any which birds don't seem to like.