Main path through the Green - January 2023

 Members of RGCG spent half a day removing accumulated twigs and other tree debris from the steep slope of the shared cycle/pedestrian path. There was concern that the damp conditions, making all the debris slippery, could result in a pedestrian or cyclist accident. Clearing the path in winter is something that council contractors no longer routinely do.

Vast amounts of autumnal debris were wheel-barrowed into Metford Road allotments, and gratefully received - organic matter is always welcomed by plot holders, to contribute to next year's harvests!

allotments, where organic matter is usually eagerly seized upon as soil conditioner.

The blocked drains by the shared cycle/ pedestrian path to the council, which were causing significant flooding across the path were reported to the council's "Fix My Street" webpage. 

Council workers came promptly, but only unblocked the lower of the two drains. Both drains empty rainwater into the river Cran, which runs through the allotments. 

March update .........

However, the flooding over the path is just as bad as it was earlier in the winter. The drain opposite the entrance to Metford Road allotments is blocked again, and the drain uphill of it remains uncleared.

The flooding over the shared path was also reported to the council.

Council contractors visited in January with a mechanical differ and dug out the ditch running along the boundary with the St Oswald's road flats. Initially, it seemed that it had helped, but heavy rains in the last week of March proved that flooding was still a problem.

Members of the group constructed their own version of a Mississippi river levee, using branches and trunks recently removed by tree surgeons from a dead tree in the Green, packed, beaver-like with mud from the ditch. Here are the before and after pictures.

Let's see if this proves more effective!