March RGCG Meeting
The most recent meeting of the REDLAND GREEN COMMUNITY GROUP took place on Tuesday 27th March 2012 at Redland Green School.
This meeting focused on play equipment in the playground area, and we welcomed John Knowlson of Bristol City Council to talk to us. RGCG conducted a survey of the parents of playground users, the analysis of which was presented to the council to contribute to the reburbishment of this area.
Plans are progressing well for the installation of the item of play equipment that was funded by donations from the May Fair in 2011; the aim is to have this in place by this year's May Fair.
Sunday 3 June, Redland Green Jubilee Lunch
Redland Parish Church have organised a Jubilee Big Lunch on the Green opposite the Church, from 1pm.
There'll be a barbeque (bring salads) and music, featuring the local and talented Doctor Jazz.
If it's wet, the lunch will move to the church hall.
October RGCG meeting
A warm invitation is extended to all who use and enjoy Redland Green to attend the next meeting of the Redland Green Community Group, which will include the Group's AGM.
Time & place: Thursday 11th October 2012 at 8.00 pm in the Church Hall of Redland Church on Redland Green.
The Council has allocated the Green £110,000, to be spent on improving facilities for children and young people, and for improving the Green's biodiversity. We will also be discussing these opportunities at this meeting.
7 November, meeting with BCC Tree Officer
On 7th November, John Tarlton and I met with Mike Kiss (BCC Tree Officer) and Philip Burton (BCC acting Senior Arboricultural Officer) to walk around Redland Green and discuss the outcome of the tree survey conducted by Mike Kiss and the schedule of works. Available from me on request.
The opportunity to see the report in advance and walk around the Green discussing the trees in question one by one was greatly appreciated and represents a very positive change from the past.
We raised the issue with BCC of replacements for trees that are to be removed. Our experience over the years is that, whilst there is a budget for tree removals and other works, trees are not generally replaced. We would like to work towards a situation where trees are replaced as a matter of course if they are removed.
We urgently need to produce a comprehensive Tree Planting Plan for Redland Green and discuss it with Josie Sadler (BCC) before getting it adopted as soon as possible by the Neighbourhood Partnership. Only then will it be possible to push for tree replacements, and this will be on the basis of priority established as part of the Planting Plan. Further discussions are needed with BCC to determine how plantings will be funded. However, it was clear that funding from outside BCC would be helpful, if not essential.
The tree management to be conducted is as follows:
- Three trees to be removed: two dead ones and a hawthorn tree with major rot in trunk by the Church.
- two trees crown reduced by 20% (plane close to playground and ash tree by St Oswalds road with three stems with weak basal forks). 20% is taken here to be 20% of the volume of the tree canopy, so the pruning is minor. I raised BS 3998:2010 which recommends that the use of percentages is discontinued and this will be done when the existing contracts have come to their end
- one oak tree crown reduced by 15% (above the cycle path near the ash trees)
- epicormic growth removal on several trees and some minor crown lifting to get branches above eye level
- clearing around ancient ash trees to facilitate further inspection.
There was a long discussion regarding the four ancient/veteran ash trees. There remain concerns regarding these trees. It was agreed that BCC would contact Treeworks Environmental Practice, given that it is now 4 years since their previous surveys to see what their recommendations might be. Treeworks conducted detailed assessments of the trees, funded by the community, as part of the campaign to prevent their removal in 2007/8. Funding for Treeworks may need to be found. We appreciated the openness and willingness to discuss the possible options for community engagement to secure a long term future for these trees.
All in all this was a very positive discussion.
Vassili Papastavrou 8th November 2012