Anyone Can Cook Real Food



If you can follow directions, you can cook.

I have a son and a daughter now on their own.  When they were in college, I realized that they didn't know how to make anything but frozen dinners.  Sure frozen dinners, boxed macaroni and Ramen noodles will keep you from starving, but what about enjoying what you eat?


My daughter had tried to cook in the past, but had not been particularly successful.  I, on the other hand, am a great cook.....   How could I teach them how to cook, not only for survival purposes, but for enjoyment as well?


First, I made a cookbook for my children including all of their favorites.  They immediately started using it and showed it to their friends.  Next thing I knew, their friends wanted a copy.  That's when I realized there were a lot of college students out there that needed to know how to cook.


So, I decided to put together a cooking class to teach for our College Ministry at church.  This site is a product of that cooking class.



Are you a college student, just out on your own?  

A newlywed with no cooking skills? 

Or just looking for some new ideas for dinner?


Check out some of my tried, true and guaranteed to be easy meals


I promise they are: