Top signs of a toxic workplace

Post date: Aug 20, 2019 4:5:54 PM

A toxic workplace is one of the most compelling causes of employee resignation. A toxic workplace can slowly whittle away at an employee’s enthusiasm and productivity at work. There are several features of a toxic workplace. These can range from the physical location, management, and even colleagues. According to business expert Ram V. Chary, it is important to identify workplace toxicity and turn the ship around before competent employees leave. Here are the top signs of a toxic workplace: Peer pressure holds people back In a toxic work environment, low to average performing employees hate the performing ones because they feel they are made to look bad by the latter. These are the employees that are already satisfied with what little work they have to do. They often gang up to make excellent employees feel bad about their performance.

Bad behavior is tolerated We all have that colleague who has a marked negativity that comprises his or her notoriety. Whether it’s tardiness or making offensive jokes, people from a toxic workplace make excuses to allow such conduct. The most common excuse is “it’s just how he/she is”. Constant threat from the boss There are many ways to motivate employees, including fear. However, fear can leave a bad taste in an employee’s mouth. Some bosses even make it sound like their employees are ungrateful when they drop the whole “if you don’t like it here, leave” spiel. According to Ram V. Chary, allowing workplace toxicity to rule your office can lead to more than just high attrition rates. Depending on how bad their experience are, disgruntled employees could file a complaint against their former employers or their former colleagues. Ram V. Chary has a degree in economics from the University of Colorado and a master’s in finance and operations management from the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University. For more reads on improving the workplace, visit this blog.