How to recruit a more diverse workforce

Diversity is a hot topic in the business world today. Companies realize that to stay competitive, they need to have a workforce that reflects the diversity of their customers. Recruiting a more diverse workforce can be tricky, but it is definitely worth the effort, says veteran business leader Ram V Chary.

It is critical to understand that creating and fostering a diverse workforce is not about assembling Noah's Ark. It is about identifying people with the same set of values and work ethic but who also have different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

Focus on Abilities

The first step in recruiting a diverse team is identifying what skills your company needs. Move away from looking for people who have worked a specific number of years in the industry or achieved an arbitrary degree score from particular universities. Instead, when hiring, focus on the applicants' ability to do the job and identify any transferable skills they may have. Some of the traits to hunt for are intellectual curiosity, collaboration skills, initiative, and technical know-how.

Creating an inclusive environment

Another step is to make sure your company's recruitment process doesn't favor one group of people over another. This can be as simple as ensuring that your application forms do not use gendered language or making sure that all interviewees are asked the same questions, note Ram V Chary. Make sure the interview process does not waver. Recruiters or human resources personnel have made the common mistake of relying on their gut feelings during interviews rather than looking at the candidates in front of them.

Finally, it is crucial to create an inclusive environment within your company. Having an inclusive work space means being conscious of how you communicate with employees and ensuring that everyone feels like they are part of the team. Promoting diversity of thought will help your company succeed and make reporting for work each day more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Ram V Chary is a seasoned