v.9 n.2 April

Neurociência educacional, aprendizagem e artes visuais: podem se articular?

Amauri Betini Bartoszeck, and Jaqueline Cavalcanti de Albuquerque

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.9, n.2, (1-8), April 1, 2023.

DOI:   10.5281/zenodo.7788764


The human brain is the organizer of lived experiences, aesthetic perceptions, language and emotions, and decision-making throughout life. The environmental stimuli and those inside the body trigger specific receptors and are encoded in the frequency of electrical impulses and are conducted to the brain, which interprets, memorizes and responds with an action. Some authors claim that the left hemisphere of the brain is involved with verbal activity, with letters, numbers and sequences and, in turn, the right hemisphere with sounds produced by musical instruments, onomatopoeic sounds, shapes, colors with relevance to the “Japanese brain”. Due to the property of neuroplasticity, particularly in the development of the nervous system, the continued use of the organ develops, adapts to the new, and structurally transforms, even in elderly adults. It is the phenomenon by which learning and experience continually modify the brain, it is an organ with remarkable “plasticity”. The collected drawings perhaps foreshadow an indication of child prodigies. Certainly there is a genetic or neurobiological component, something in the structure of the nervous system that has not yet been elucidated, that contributes to precociousness in the visual arts. A drawing can serve as a form of communication, visualization of ideas, improvement of information and ways of thinking and playing. The observation design can be very useful in the development for the capture of the details, in the distinction of information in the middle of information overload.


O cérebro humano é o organizador das experiências vividas, das percepções estética, linguagem e emoções, e a tomada de decisões ao longo da vida. Os estímulos ambientais e os no interior do organismo acionam receptores específicos e são codificados em frequência de impulsos elétricos e são conduzidos ao cérebro, que os interpreta, memoriza e responde com uma ação. Alguns autores alegam que o hemisfério esquerdo do cérebro está envolvido com a atividade verbal, com letras, números e sequências e por sua vez, o hemisfério direito com sons produzidos por instrumentos musicais, sons onomatopeicos, formas, cores com relevância para o “cérebro japonês”. Pela propriedade da neuroplasticidade, particularmente no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso, o uso continuado do órgão ele se desenvolve, adapta-se ao novo, e se transforma estruturalmente, mesmo em adultos idosos. É o fenômeno pelo qual a aprendizagem e a experiência modificam continuamente o cérebro, é órgão com notável “plasticidade”. Os desenhos coletados talvez prenunciem uma indicação de crianças prodígio. Certamente há um componente genético ou neurobiológico, algo na estrutura do sistema nervoso ainda não elucidado que contribui para a precocidade nas artes visuais. Um desenho poderá servir como uma forma de comunicação, visualização de ideias, aperfeiçoamento de informações e formas de pensar e do brincar. O desenho de observação pode ser muito útil no desenvolvimento para a captura dos detalhes, na distinção da informação no meio do excesso de informação.

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Brazilian children´s drawings of Human Pregnancy

Amauri Betini Bartoszeck, and Sue Dale Tunnicliffe

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.9, n.2, (9-19), April 1, 2023.

DOI:   10.5281/zenodo.7788815


Biology is uniquely about living things which are able to reproduce their own kind, of which our species is but one.  Human children become intrigues by reproduction particularly pregnancy and the growth of the baby before its birth and with copulation and other sexual manifestations in their societies. This study reviewed the literature on young children’s development of ideas surrounding pregnancy and particularly growth and feeding of the baby before birth. Eleven Brazilian children between the ages of 6 years   and   12 were asked to draw their understanding of the position of a baby before birth inside its mother. They were given a blank piece of paper. Their drawings were examined and a commentary written. The results show a varied understanding within this small sample form one cross age sample in a state primary school. Apart from 2 focused on reproduction in two invertebrates, one illustrating sperm at an egg, and two of situations associated with pregnancy the drawing indicated the position of a baby within the mother’s abdomen.  Suggestions for teacher training are suggested that practitioners, and parents, have a more comprehensive and less personal knowledge of human reproduction and how it fits into the overall biological unique phenomenon of New Life creation in all organisms. Whilst only a few results were obtained they revealed misunderstanding of where the fetus is positioned inside a human mother and several girls were concerned about the emotions of the expectant mother but showed the everyday knowledge the children had acquired in their lives. The conclusion of this short work is that biological literacy is inadequate in the child population but the more emotive aspects or hazards have some recognition.

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Public Education Expenditure, Human Capital Development and Economic Growth in Nigeria

Lateefat OluwadamilareYahya, Adeyemi Michael Anagun, and Ganiyat Olubunmi Bello

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.9, n.2, (20-30), April 1, 2023.

DOI:   10.5281/zenodo.7788842


The study theoretically and empirically investigates the public education expenditure, human capital development and economic growth in Nigeria between 1981 and 2020. The study looked at the education and health sector of the economy as determinant of revolutionary and productive economic growth in Nigeria with the aim of ascertaining the relationship between government educational expenditure, human capital development and economic growth in Nigeria. The data was analyzed using the post-estimation econometric methodologies with the use of EViews9 statistical software. Therefore, the results reveled that there exist a short-run and long-run relationship between public educational expenditure, human capital development and economic growth in Nigeria. Given the context of the study, recommendations were made that in order to maintain long-term economic growth, the government should first create specific agencies with the mandate to enhance the skills and talents of graduate, also that the government should focus on enhancing the health and education sectors of Nigeria through higher government financial allocation and incentive programs for sustained continuous growth in order to boost the nation’s productivity capacity.

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