v.7 n.1 February

Parana Journal of Science and Education. v.7, n.1, February (2021)



Stefan Bernhard Rüster.

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.7, n.1, (1-9), February 1, 2021.


In this article, the author derives the Poisson equation, the Poisson integral, the gravitational potential energy as well as its density, and the energy of the gravitational field as well as its density within the framework of Newtonian gravitational theory by using the work concept. It is shown, that the gravitational potential energy density as well as the energy density of the gravitational field are localizable in Newtonian gravitational theory. The author demonstrates, that the gravitational potential energy density and the energy density of the gravitational field are also existent and localizable in the theory of General Relativity (GR). Since GR in contrast to Newtonian gravitational theory is highly non-linear and non-Abelian, the work concept is not valid in GR, wherefore the gravitational potential energy density and the energy density of the gravitational field in GR do not originate from the same quantity, the work, as this is in case in Newtonian gravity.

Soumendra Darbar, Srimoyee Saha and Sangita Agarwal.

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.7, n.1, (10-18), February 1, 2021.


Current pandemic of COVID-19 where no effective preventive and curative medicine is available till date. Wearing masks, keeping your distance, washing your hands — those rules currently apply around the globe. There is not much more we can do, except wait for an effective drug against COVID-19 to be developed. A

healthy immune system is one of the most important weapons to fight against COVID-19. To maintain it, the body needs sufficient vitamins and other nutrients. COVID-19 crisis disrupts economies globally, it’s vital to ensure adequate intake of vitamins and micronutrients to boost overall immune functions and prevent lifethreatening infections. Vitamins C, D and E are the essential vitamins with immunomodulatory property much more to fight against COVID-19 as well as lead to stress-free life. So, intake of sufficient vitamins suppress the spread of this virus and maintain homeostasis.

Julia Georgieva Doncheva.

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.7, n.1, (19-26), February 1, 2021.


Socialization and social competence are related to the process of acquiring attitudes, beliefs and traditions that are characteristic of the family and the culture in which he lives. Until the child enters the kindergarten, the parent has a major role in this process. Then the responsibilities are shared, mutual, on behalf of the child. On the basis of current, modern, still unsolved problems, ascertained through the conducted theoretical-scientific research, the significance and multifacetedness of the problem for enrichment of the social competence of 6-7-year-old children, an experimental model has been developed and tested.

Parana J Sci Educ. ISSN: 2447-6153