v.4 n.4 June

Parana Journal of Science and Education. v.4, n.4, June (2018).


Comments on the article Harry Lassa Accelerating Frames of Reference and the Clock Paradox (in Russian).

Valery Borisovich Morozov. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.4, (1-6), June 1, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3843221


The Lorentz-Einstein transformations are obtained by a method that allows one to obtain a coordinate transformation between an inertial frame of reference and a non-inertial system of acceleration. With this conversion, an explicit time calculated for the circular travel of a non-inertial twin, which leaves the inertial twin with the initial velocity -V and returned by acceleration. It found that the accelerating twin returned younger than the inertial twin is. The value of the result goes far beyond the solution of the paradoxical problem of the motion of twins (hours). In spite of the fact that the metric satisfies the Einstein equation, this metric is not equal in the small volume limit to other solutions of the Einstein equation, for example, to the Schwarzschild solution. However, the result of Einstein in 1907 contradicts this asymptotic property. Since the results of Einstein and Lass obtained from the first principles, it is desirable to construct a general theory of relativity with another equation of the gravitational field. Such an attempt was made.


Комментарии к статье Гарри Ласса Ускоренные системы отсчета и парадокс часов (in Russian)

Валерий Борисович Морозов. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.3, (1-6), июнь 1, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3843221


Преобразования Лоренца-Эйнштейна получают методом, который позволяет получить координатное преобразование между инерциальной системой отсчета и неинерциальной системой ускорения. С помощью этого преобразования вычисляется явное время для кругового путешествия неинерциального двойника, который покидает инерционный двойник с начальной скоростью –V и возвращается с помощью ускорения. Обнаружено, что ускоряющий двойник возвращается моложе, чем инерционный близнец. Значение результата выходит далеко за рамки решения парадоксальной задачи о движении близнецов (часов). Несмотря на то, что метрика удовлетворяет уравнению Эйнштейна, эта метрика не равна в пределе малого объема другим решениям уравнения Эйнштейна, например, решению Шварцшильда. Впрочем, этому асимптотическому свойству противоречит уже результат Эйнштейна 1907 года. Поскольку результаты Эйнштейна и Ласса получены из первых принципов желательно построить общую теорию относительности с другим уравнением гравитационного поля. Такая попытка была сделана.

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Indian Sundarban Mangroves: A potential Carbon Scrubbing System.

Abhijit Mitra, Sufia Zaman and Ricardo Gobato. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.4, (7-29), June 17, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3843245


The stored carbon in dominant mangrove species namely Avicennia alba, A. marina, A. officinalis, Sonneratia apetala and Excoecaria agallocha were monitored during December 2009 to March 2010 through seasons in ten selected stations (5 in the western and 5 in the central sectors) of Indian Sundarbans. The species-wise carbon stored in the Above Ground Biomass (in t/ha) followed almost a similar order in both the sectors throughout the study period. The soil and litter carbon were also simultaneously analysed. The annual litter fall in the western and central sectors has been extrapolated to 8.05 t ha-1 yr-1 and 5.22 t ha-1 yr-1 respectively. In the present study, the highest litter fall during September, 2009 may be related to heavy rainfall and wind action in the region that accelerates the litter fall in this unique mangrove system of the tropics. The organic carbon in the study area showed a distinct seasonal pattern with highest value in monsoon (September, 2009), followed by postmonsoon (December, 2009) and premonsoon (March, 2010). In the western sector, the mean values were 1.182%, 1.010% and 0.882% in the monsoon, postmonsoon and premonsoon respectively. In the central sector, the mean values were 0.936%, 0.820% and 0.650% in the monsoon, postmonsoon and premonsoon respectively. The surface soil pH in the study area showed a distinct seasonal pattern with highest value in premonsoon (March, 2010), followed by postmonsoon (December, 2009) and monsoon (September, 2009). In the western sector, the mean values were 7.24, 7.30 and 7.36 in the monsoon, postmonsoon and premonsoon respectively. In the central sector, the mean values were 7.32, 7.37 and 7.39 in the monsoon, postmonsoon and premonsoon respectively. The overall results confirm the potential of carbon scrubbing vegetation in Indian Sundarbans.

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Parana Journal of Science and Education. ISSN 2447-6153