v.4 n.2 March

Parana Journal of Science and Education. v.4, n.2, March (2018).



The General Relativity Genesis and Advancement: Reconciliation of the Research Programme of Einstein, Abraham and Nordström

Rinat Magdievich Nugayev. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.2, (1-32), March 3, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3838247


The mature epistemological theory-change model, tried on maxwellian electrodynamics and special relativity genesis and advancement, is unfolded to apprehend general relativity (GR) genesis and advancement. The arguments are strengthened in favor of the tenet that the subtle dynamics of GR construction was largely governed by internal tensions of such research traditions as special relativity and Newton’s theory of gravitation. The research traditions’ encounter, interpenetration and intertwinement engendered construction of the hybrid domain at first with an irregular set of crossbred theoretical models. However, eventually, step by step, on revealing and gradual eliminating the contradictions between the models involved, the hybrid set was put into order with a help of the equivalence principle. A hierarchy of theoretical models starting from the crossbreeds and up to usual hybrids was moulded. With the metric tensor at the top of the edifice Einstein was able to

comprise both the knowledge on gravitation and inertia represented by classical mechanics and the knowledge on the structure of space and time embodied by special relativity. The main claim to put forward is that Einstein’s unification design could be successfully implemented since his scientific research programme artfully embraced the valuable ideas of the Nordström research programme, as well as some sound presuppositions of the programme of Max Abraham. Only as a result of reconciling and amalgamating the ‘physical’ and ‘mathematical’ approaches, embodied in Abraham, Einstein and Nordström’s crossbred theoretical models, Einstein was able to explain successfully the anomalous motion of Mercury. The significant role of the regulative and constructivist principles of neo-Kantian epistemology in the GR construction is scrutinized. It is exhibited that the theories of Nordström and Abraham contrived before November 25, 1915, were not merely

the scaffolds to construct the GR basic model. They constitute the necessary part of the whole GR edifice necessary for its common use. Notwithstanding Einstein’s stupendous impact, the contributions of Nordström, Abraham, Poincare, Hilbert, Besso, Fokker and others should be taken into account.

Генезис и Становление Общей Теории Относительности: Согласование Научно-Исследовательских Программ Эйнштейна, Абрагама и Нордстрема (in Russian)

Ринат Магдиевич Нугаев. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.2, (1-32), марш 3, 2018.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3838247


Эпистемологическая модель смены развитых научных теорий, апробированная на материалах коперниканской революции, максвелловской электродинамики и специальной теории относительности, используется для рациональной реконструкции генезиса и становления общей теории относительности (ОТО). Утверждается, что и в этом случае движущей силой создания релятивистских теорий гравитации явилась встреча и взаимопроникновение таких исследовательских традиций, как специальная теория относительности и ньютоновская теория тяготения. Первоначально итогом этой встречи оказалось создание неупорядоченной совокупности гибридных моделей, объекты которых состояли из базисов встретившихся теорий. Но постепенное согласование этих моделей и упорядочивание их в единую иерархическую структуру привело к конструированию фундаментальной теоретической схемы ОТО.

После конструирования метрического тензора началось взаимопроникновение гравитационной и релятивистской исследовательских традиций, ознаменовавшее подлинное объединение созданных частных гибридных теоретических схем. Показано, что эйнштейновский синтетический проект смог быть воплощен в жизнь потому, что его исследовательская программа творчески ассимилировала идеи «физического» и «математического» подходов, воплощенных в гибридных моделях Г. Нордстрема ,М. Абрагама и Эйнштейна. Победа Эйнштейна над соперниками стала возможной также и потому, что его эвристика содержала принцип эквивалентности инерции и гравитации, интерпретируемый не в онтологическом ключе, но в кантовском эвристическом и регулятивном духе как средство. «паттерн» конструирования синтетических теоретических моделей. Рассмотрено влияние принципов

неокантианской эпистемологии - регулятивных принципов и принципа математического конструктивизма - на создание ОТО. Утверждается, что созданные до 25 ноября 1915г. гибридные модели Эйнштейна, Нордстрема и Абрагама представляют собой не только и не столько строительные леса, необходимые для конструирования фундаментальной теоретической схемы ОТО, но одновременно являются частными теоретическими схемами, необходимыми для полноценного функционирования этой теории. Показано, что окончательная победа программы Эйнштейна стала

возможной потому, что эта программа ассимилировала наиболее ценные элементы конкурировавших с ней программ. Соответственно, только в результате согласования и успешного объединения гибридных моделей Абрагама, Нордстрема и Эйнштейна, Эйнштейн смог успешно теоретически воспроизвести аномальное смещение перигелия планеты Меркурий.

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Alfabetização Científica em Neurociências: A Concepção que o Aluno do Ensino Médio tem sobre o Cérebro Humano

Amauri Betini Bartoszeck, Márcia Gorett Ribeiro Grossi. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.2, (33-47), March 8, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3838259


The aim of this article was to identify the knowledge that a sample of high school students has about basic neuroscience and thus verify their scientific literacy in neurosciences. For this, a qualitative and descriptive research was carried out, through a case study at the Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG). The corpus of the study was 312 students, whose age range was between 14 and 18 years of both sexes. As data collection instruments, a questionnaire was used based on the Likert scale containing 15 questions applied to the students, who also made a drawing of their understanding of the human brain. With the results it can be concluded that the students' conception of the human brain structure varied within the same age group. Some have shown day-to-day conceptions and others have demonstrated more primitive scientificknowledge, which makes it possible to assert that students are sufficiently informed of how the human brain works but that they do not yet have specific domain of this knowledge. Teaching strategies are suggested to improve learning and knowledge in this biological area.

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Estudo Exploratório do Conceito de Sinapse Neuronal no Ensino Médio na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA)

Amauri Betini Bartoszeck. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.2, (48-60), March 23, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3838263


This study aimed to investigate the efficiency of the teaching of the subjects Science and Biology, as it has been taught to students who attend high school in the modality of Youth and Adult Education (EJA). To do so, we sought to verify how students learn and elaborate the concepts of neuron and synapse, considered here for their importance in understanding the process of brain functioning. Data were collected at two urban public schools in Paranavaí, in the northwestern part of the State of Paraná. The collection objects were drawings and interviews with 203 students (90 males and 103 females) with a mean age between 14 and 60 years, in the proportion of 57% in the age group between 14 and 17 years old and 43% among 35 and 60 years. As an activity, students were asked to make a neuron and synapse design and, later an interview, explain what they drew. The drawings obtained were analyzed from LUQUET's perspective, taking into account his concept of "intellectual realism", following a previously determined scale of 4 levels related to the complexity presented in the drawings. The lowest level (L.0) reached 33.5% and the highest level (L.3) 23.6%, while the intermediate levels reached respectively, (L.1) 23.6% and (L.2) 19.2% of the samples collected. Regarding the interviews, the result was grouped into concepts by three different categories: anthropomorphic, vitalist, electrophysiological. Similar to "misconceptions" or conceptual difficulties, where they were considered from the complexity of the explanations. Evaluating the conditions in which the teaching and learning of the disciplines in question are carried out, some educational suggestions are made to improve their development and application.

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Can Near Surface Air Temperature act as Proxy to Anthropogenic influence in the mangrove dominated Indian Sundarbans?

Nabonita Pal, Pardis Fazli, Prosenjit Pramanick, Sufia Zaman and Abhijit Mitra.

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.2, (61-68), March 23, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3838269


The analyses the secondary data collected from the archives of University of Calcutta and Techno India University, West Bengal and several relevant literatures over a period of more than three decades (1984-2016). We consider Sagar Island as the representative of Indian Sundarbans region for this study. We observe an increasing trend in near surface air temperature in all the three seasons, which may be attributed to change of land use pattern due to intense industrialization, unplanned urbanization and expansion of tourism units coupled with establishment of shrimp farms in all the regions at the cost of mangroves. The adverse impacts of such anthropogenic activities related rise in near surface air temperature on marine

estuarine biotic community is discussed in a qualitative manner.

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Parana Journal of Science and Education. ISSN 2447-6153