v.10 n.2 April

Cover: Bougainvillea spectabilis. Coordinates -22.997101, -51.196345, 86130.000 Parana, Brazil.

ImageGobato, M. M. R.  (2024) Bougainvillea spectabilis. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35855.60329.

Concept Mapping in Special Education: Current Status and Proposals

Alexandra Andreou and Danka Shtereva

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.10, n.2, (1-10),  April 1, 2024.

DOI:   10.5281/zenodo.10868829


The present work refers to concept mapping. In the twenty-first century, the goals of education shifted towards teaching-learning for diverse learning needs. According to research, the field of education is constantly evolving. The study of the international literature was considered appropriate for the investigation of this issue. Conceptual mapping is a pedagogical tool for organizing and representing knowledge (Jonassen, 2000). Conceptual mapping is based on Ausubel's Meaningful learning theory which asserted that new knowledge is constructed from connections to prior knowledge. It enables students with different learning needs as a multiple choice for taking in information and understanding ideas (Dimitrakopoulou, 2001). The purpose of this article, therefore, is to make it clear that in line with the objectives of education, the concept map as a pedagogical tool gives students with different learning needs a multiple choice for taking in information and understanding ideas, and this tool, also, provides a blueprint for teachers to improve and develop the learning environment through multiple representations of concepts.

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Electrical Transformers (Mini review)

Электрические трансформаторы (Мини-обзор) Russian

Vladimir Nikolaevich Sukhanov

Суханов Владимир Николаевич 

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.10, n.2, (10-15),  April 1, 2024.

DOI:    10.5281/zenodo.10868865


The sequence of the appearance of a new transformer is described, in which the materials that make up the transformer are used in a complex way. One material both for the manufacture of magnetic cores and electrical windings of the transformer. At the same time, we not only refuse to use copper and switch to the use of iron, but we can also relatively easily assemble such transformers, which, moreover, will be lighter than traditional ones.


Описана последовательность создания нового трансформатора, в которой комплексно используются материалы, из которых состоит трансформатор. Один материал, как для изготовления магнитопроводов, так и электрических обмоток трансформатора. При этом мы не только откажемся от меди и перейдем на использование железа, но и сравнительно легко сможем собрать такие трансформаторы, которые к тому же будут легче традиционных.

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Methodology for Application Of a Research Approach In the Academic Training Of Student Teachers

Rumyana Neminska

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.10, n.2, (16-21),  April 1, 2024.

DOI:   10.5281/zenodo.10869646


In contemporary academic education, a new approach to examining and understanding scientific problems is being introduced. An approach based on methodological pluralism, interdisciplinarity, and globality. It relies on active and interactive learning. This scientific-practical approach, which rejects imperativeness and supports research discovery, is called the research approach. The article discusses the technology for its application in the overall teaching process of the academic discipline. The process of this technology is formed by several methodological forms reflecting the activity, operational, and reflexive stages. Self-reflective formats such as "pedagogical essay," pedagogical case analysis, and pedagogical narrative are included in the technology. Project-based activities are also utilized. Working on various pedagogical projects develops students' professional skills. The article presents an empirical study reflecting the quality of the tools and the development of students' skills. The empirical data express the change in students' skills, attitudes, and relationships in various professional environments and contexts.


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Impact of environmental variables on selective vector-borne diseases in the state of West Bengal, India

Debal Kumar Ghosh, Anusree Datta, Ricardo Gobato, and Abhijit Mitra

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.10, n.2, (22-29),  April 27, 2024.

DOI:   10.5281/zenodo.11076868


In contemporary academic education, a new approach to examining and understanding scientific problems is being introduced. An approach based on methodological pluralism, interdisciplinarity, and globality. It relies on active and interactive learning. This scientific-practical approach, which rejects imperativeness and supports research discovery, is called the research approach. The article discusses the technology for its application in the overall teaching process of the academic discipline. The process of this technology is formed by several methodological forms reflecting the activity, operational, and reflexive stages. Self-reflective formats such as "pedagogical essay," pedagogical case analysis, and pedagogical narrative are included in the technology. Project-based activities are also utilized. Working on various pedagogical projects develops students' professional skills. The article presents an empirical study reflecting the quality of the tools and the development of students' skills. The empirical data express the change in students' skills, attitudes, and relationships in various professional environments and contexts.

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