
Also known as:

Presentation of the Lord, Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A feast on February 2nd, and also the anniversary of the ordination of Most Rev. Steven J. Lopes as first bishop of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

The liturgical color is white (or gold)


The candles at the altar and in the chancel are not lighted before Mass.

The lights in the church are dim.

The ushers in the narthex distribute hand-candles to the people before Mass

The Priest wears a cope (white) for the Candlemas ceremonies, changing to a chasuble at the Introit. Chasuble and maniple placed on the Gospel side pew screen in the chancel.

Two taper holders are placed hanging from the rear chancel pews near the vestry and sacristy doors for the lighting of the altar candles and pavement lights.

A table (covered in white) is set with candles (a representative sampling), and with enough candles (suitably long and tall) to be carried by the Ministers and servers. This table is set in the chancel (for the Procession) OR in just inside the entrance to the nave (for the Solemn Entrance)

The acolyte should prepare ahead of time to read the Epistle (intoned at Solemn Mass)

Blessing of candles for the year follows the rubrics at DWM pg. 679.

There are two options for Blessing of Candles: Form I: The Procession or Form II: The Solemn Entrance (see links for detailed ritual notes)

The Proper of the mass is at DWM pg. 679

The Preface is the Preface of the Epiphany (DWM pg. 586)

The readings are intoned at the solemn mass (the Epistle by the acolyte if possible). At other masses the acolyte reads the Epistle.

Notes for celebration on a Sunday (with the Bishop and a procession to the shrine)

The choir does not process at any Masses

The acolyte reads the Epistle (intoning of readings at the solemn mass)

The Salutation, Summary of the Law, Collect of Purity are omitted - straight from Introit to Kyrie

The lights are dim at beginning of Mass. The MC raises them during the Gospel. Remember to re-dim in between Masses

The 4:30pm vigil, 8:00am , and 6:00pm Masses are Form ll: Solemn Entrance; the 9:30am Mass is Form I: Solemn Procession; the 11:15am Mass is Form II: Solemn Entrance with the Bishop and concluding with a Procession to the Shrine,

Altar candles are not lit before any Mass - The MC will appoint someone to light at appropriate time during liturgy, or he may do so himself:

  • At the 4:30, 8:00 and 6:00 Masses, a candle taper/snuffer is be placed on the pew screen on the Gospel side. Upon entering the Chancel during the Procession, the MC, or some one appointed by him, lights the altar candles.

  • At the 9:30 Mass, the same happens, except there is no Solemn Procession. The Altar candles are lit after the Blessing of the Candles, which takes place in the Chancel.

  • At the 11:15 Mass, the MC, or someone appointed by him, is in the Chancel prior to the Procession and remains there during the Procession. After the Blessing of the Candles, he lights the Altar candles. The candles should all be lit before the Bishop reaches the Chancel.

9:30 Form I - Solemn Procession

Simple entrance from the sacristy, followed by blessing of candles in the chancel, lighting of candles, then solemn procession in figure 8 around the nave

11:15 Solemn Entrance with the Bishop with concluding Procession to the Shrine

Blessing in the rear of nave, lighting candles during procession (similar to the Easter Vigil) - no Introit, so straight from Nunc Dimittis in procession to Kyrie - censing altar will probably take through the Kyrie

Re-light the hand candles at the communion hymn for the procession to the outdoor shrine

After Blessing & Dismissal, Walsingham Litany in Procession to the Shrine, where the Indulgence prayers is be offered