Holy Week
With Palm Sunday, in Passiontide, we begin Holy Week and approach the Triduum Sacrum, the last three days before Easter Sunday. The season of Lent ends on the evening of Maundy Thursday with the Mass of the Lord's Supper. Thus commemorating the institution of the Eucharist, we commence the Easter fast, keeping vigil with Jesus at the Altar of Repose. Then we enter the solemn drama of Our Lord's Passion on Good Friday with the Adoration of the Cross and as we mourn in quiet and darkness until the new fire is kindled with Christ's triumph over death at the Great Vigil of Easter on the evening of Holy Saturday.
Note the following guidelines for bell ringing in Holy Week and the Triduum:
Palm Sunday: All bells should ring as usual plus during the procession.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Only one of the bells should ring for each Mass. The Angelus should continue to ring but with the use of only one bell.
Maundy Thursday: The bells should ring only once - when all three bells ring throughout the Gloria of the Mass on this day. From the end of the Gloria of the Maundy Thursday Mass until the beginning of the Gloria of the Easter Vigil Mass, the bells are not rung for any reason whatsoever. This includes the Sanctus bell and Sacristy bell. The wooden clapper may be used in place of the Sacristy bell but never in connection with the Blessed Sacrament, i.e., it is not a replacement for the Sanctus bell during the Maundy Thursday Mass.
Vigil of Easter: All bells ring throughout the Gloria of the Mass.
The ringing of the bells is in the festive mode through the Easter Octave and returns to normal after the Second Sunday of Easter.
See Ritual Notes for the following feasts and solemnities:
Palm Sunday
Chrism Mass
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Vigil