MC to the Bishop at Solemn Mass
The MC to the Bishop (MCB) is a separate task from that of the MC of the Mass/liturgy. As such, a second man should be assigned as the MCB when the Bishop is present. Along with the MCB, a mitre bearer, and possibly a crozier bearer should be tapped.
When the Bishop Celebrates
Before mass, the MCB ensures that the episcopal ewer & basin are prepared near the cathedra, that the bugia (7th candle) is in place with the other candles, and that the salver (plate) for the zuchetto is on the Gospel-side credence table
The MCB introduces himself as such to the Bishop before mass, and ascertains whether he will be pontificating or participating in choir, and whether the Bishop will need anything in particular from his MCB.
The MCB processes just behind and to the left of the Bishop (if deacon chaplains are present, then just behind them), the mitre and crozier bearer are to his right, or just behind him if there are two.
Upon reaching the foot of the altar, the MCB receives the crozier and then the mitre, either directly from the Bishop or from a deacon. He gives these items to their bearers and joins them in moving to their places behind the throne.
After the Collect, when the Bishop returns to his chair, the MCB brings the mitre to him as he sits (the crozier is not brought up)
At the Gospel, the Bishop imposes incense & blesses the deacon from the throne; the MCB prepares the crozier – after the blessings, he takes away the mitre & gives the crozier.
After the Gospel, the MCB gives the mitre (and usually takes away the crozier, its Bishop’s prerogative – remember to take crozier first when doing so… think about it) for the homily
As the Bishop reenters the chancel the MCB follows behind and retrieves the mitre (and crozier), returning with them to his place behind the throne for the Creed, Petitions, and Penitential Rite
For the announcements, the Bishop will need the mitre and crozier both at least for the blessings
After the Offertory Sentence, the MCB follows the Bishop back to the altar, where he again takes away the mitre and crozier. These are given to their bearers, who will keep them now until the end of communion. At this time the MCB should move the bearers to the foot of the altar to kneel for the Eucharist and there to receive communion
The MCB stands on the Gospel-side footpace, with a salver ready to receive the Bishop’s zucchetto (skull cap) after the Prayer over the Gifts (before he turns to the people and says “Lift up your hearts…”)
The MCB takes the zucchetto and kneels next to the MC of the mass for communion
After communion, the MCB takes care to ablute the Bishop’s fingers using the ewer & basin near the cathedra
After the ablution is complete, the MCB returns the zucchetto to the Bishop
The MCB with the mitre and crozier (the items, not the bearers) approaches the altar with the Bishop, standing off again near the Gospel-side credence table, for the Post communion prayers, Blessing and Dismissal. After the Postcommunion Prayers, but before the Blessing, the MCB approaches the Bishop with the mitre and crozier
The MCB joins the recessional again just behind and to the left of the Bishop
When the Bishop Pontificates
The Bishop pontificates in alb, stole, cope, pectoral cross, mitre & crozier
Mitre bearer and crozier bearer still needed
The bugia is still placed with the altar candles
The pontifical ewer and basin are still set out
The MCB handles the mitre and crozier the same as when the Bishop celebrates – all of the incense & blessings are the same
During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the Bishop participates from the throne
At the Sign of Peace, the MCB goes to the footpace to receive the Peace from the celebrant, and then returns to impart it to the Bishop
At Communion, the Bishop may move to the footpace to receive communion before the deacon chaplains, or he may remain at the throne and have the celebrant bring communion to him (he still communicates himself) – after which the MCB ablutes his fingers
The Bishop will give the final blessing from the throne – the MCB will be mindful to give him his mitre & crozier there after the celebrant prays the Prayer after Communion.
When the Bishop participates in Choir
The Bishop participates in choir dress wearing amaranth cassock, fascia, white rochet , amaranth mozzetta, pectoral cross, amaranth zucchetto and biretta
No mitre bearer or crozier bearers are needed
The bugia is still placed with the altar candles
The pontifical ewer and basin are still set out
A suitable seat for the Bishop should be set, not in the celebrant’s chair. If there is no kneeler, a prayer desk should be set with it
A stole of appropriate liturgical color should be placed at the Bishop’s seat, or on the prayer desk
If necessary, a seat for the MCB should be placed nearby the Bishop
The MCB is only needed to help the Bishop if in an unfamiliar setting. His main assistance will be before mass in going over the ceremonial with the Bishop
If the Bishop enters with the processional, the MCB follows as usual. Another option given is for the Bishop to be shown to his seat, from the sacristy, before the entrance procession begins.
The MCB may help the Bishop with cues as needed, and may hand the Bishop his stole at the priest’s communion, as well as for any blessings, along with any other necessary books, items, &c.
The MCB should ablute the Bishop’s hands following communion with the pontifical ewer & basin