Daily Log

I had the privilege of serving as the reporter for the first day of class. I chose to present my findings in a way that mirrors how I run my classes. Thus, I presented a Google slideshow presentation. For my classes, I run everything out of Google Classroom. In doing so, I share a running Google presentation with my students for each of the four 9 week grading periods. Each slideshow presentation, per a 9 week period, contains roughly 300+ slides. I have found these slideshows to be very effective and engaging. For instance, my students are able to have 24/7 access to my materials. When students are absent, these presentations are especially helpful since students can look back and see what they missed. In regards to drawing on prior knowledge and forward reaching measures from a pedagogical standpoint, these slideshows are equally important. I always try to blend the emotions that I evoke throughout a given class period, as you can see exemplified throughout this presentation. I normally wouldn't download this presentation as a PDF but did so here so that everybody could access the document. Though I was highly praised for setting the bar high, it has been so exhilarating to see how my peers kept raising the bar from here on out. I will definitely incorporate this an adaptation of having my students take turns serving as the reporter - it's a great idea!