Anthology Submissions

I really did not care for much of anything I wrote during our actual class sessions. I do love to write poetry and was able to revise some of these older works in my Anthology Shorts.

During our Summer Institute more sad summer stories of police shootings of Black men rekindled racial tensions in the nation. My response to a couple of the key shootings of the summer (so far) -- Sterling Alton of LA and Philandro Castile of MN -- are from my heart as a former police officer and as a member of our society who identifies as Black. The Anthology Argument Piece: White Fear, Black Blood, is but a beginning of my rationale for the need for more uniform police training with strong emphasis on tactical approach and safety.

I also think, from first-hand experience, that all officers should receive intensive diversity awareness and sensitivity training. This diversity training and dialogue is something that I would like to further explore in my research and writing.