Cree Name Poem

Jason Miller

When he came into the world,

the umbilical cord

was tied in a knot.

This didn’t trouble us,

for he was a BIG

healthy baby.

Later, he canoed upon

troubled waters. The earth

opened its heart and invited

him in.

Trees, rivers, and animals

relieved the brutal winds

of life.

Sitting on a river he imagined

waters, characters, and magic.

Imagination swirled his mind

with castles, delicious food,

and beautiful lands;

a wondrous escape.

Eventually, he began to read

about the whimsical creations

he had once imagined.

But he had no outlet.

Maybe he could express

his fanciful ideas by

putting pen to paper.

Ideas can’t float away once

they are set in stone.

After he began to write

new friends arose from the

pages. He could control the world

of his pages, bringing compassion,

hope, and justice to all.