Mama (Story)

A Life Changing Family Event

By M'onique Hutchinson

Which way do I go? I know that I came from this way but things doesn’t look familiar. Maybe I need to call someone to see how to get back to my house. Where are my keys? I know I put them here. These are the questions my mom asked herself. Having my mom being diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer not only changed my life but that of our entire family.

It was a wake-up call for us all. We had to educate ourselves on what we needed to make this as smooth as possible with my mom. This event altered everyone’s lives. We knew we had to put her first because her well-being was important. My siblings and I had to educate my father on the signs, treatments and strategies needed to help my mother adjusted to this unwanted lifestyle. We developed a schedule to help take some of the responsibility off my father. We thought of ideas that was aimed at slowing this disease down; stopping it at the root of where it began. She loves doing crosswords puzzles, taking long enjoyable walks and planting a wonderful green garden.

According to her doctors, my mom is in the second stage after 10 yrs. What a God we serve. He is so awesome and mindful of us all. At times my heart hurts but I trust God to bring us all through this storm. All I can say that God has really blessed her because she is still able to recognize all her children and grandchildren. She’s able to wash, dress, and feed herself. My mom is truly my “HERO” and will always be my number 1 fan. This is why my mom is so special to me. I suggest that you hug you mom today.