Cree Name Poem

I have attached my Cree Name poem below.

We were challenged with choosing one of three options for the creation of this poem. I chose to write about a personality trait. The personality trait that I focus on throughout this poem is my longing to always find a way to break the awkward silence.

Several studies have been conducted in social settings to determine what goes on when groups of people get together for social occasions. One such interesting find is that there is allegedly a 7-minute lull in conversation. Every 7 minutes or so there is allegedly a natural lull in conversation. Some social critics call this lull the "Harvard Pause." Other social theorists claim that a natural lull in conversation depends on the number of people involved in a conversation. If there are 20 people in a conversation, there is an awkward silence that would come about every 20 minutes.

Regardless of the stated facts and correlations, I focus this poem on some of my own personality traits in which I am not in the least bit afraid to embarrass myself, ask questions, or do what I need to do in order for a conversation to keep afloat. I hope you laugh, think a bit, and thoughtfully consider some truths that I explore throughout this quirky little poem.

The most memorable part of this poem, throughout the course thus far, is my comment about diarrhea milkshakes. On that note, enjoy!