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Imagine...It is your 13th Birthday.

Imagine...that before the end of the day, you lose your anchor.

Imagine...learning that your Dad is gone and it was not natural causes.

Imagine...instead it was a hate crime.

Imagine...going back to school the day after the funeral, 6 days after he passes away.

Imagine...your mother taking on a new role. She was already the disciplinarian and now she runs the whole show.

Imagine...your big brother acting like your dad, cousins becoming big brothers, and great uncles become so hands on.

Imagine...forging a new normal.

Imagine...maintaining relationships with my Caucasian friends.

Imagine...time flying and missing the important milestones. Especially those my older siblings shared with him that I could not.

Imagine...growing up and becoming me without your father.

Imagine... leaving for college knowing that someday your mother may be alone.

Imagine...having a daughter who reminds everyone of him when they see her.

Imagine... I can see his eyes whenever I look into the mirror.

Imagine...seeing those eyes in my great grandfather and my great nephew who is the 6th generation.

Imagine...all of the Logans who followed.

Imagine...still missing him 40 years later.

Imagine...knowing that we will meet again.

Lisa L London