Cree Poem

The poem "Signs" is a reflection of what I've been told how my family perceived me. My sister told me she always knew I would become a teacher because I played "school" with anyone I could. My sister was 18 years older than me.


by: Phyllis Murzyn

She came in January, very cold.

Not New Year’s Day,

although her mother tried.

Many said late was okay

She wasn’t planned anyway.

They loved her.

Later, in a house with many,

The signs began to appear.

She picked up early, reading and writing.

So many models to copy

The youngest progressed.

She wasn’t planned anyway.

They loved her.

The house expanded with another new face.

Finally, someone to play and teach

School was her favorite game.

Two little sisters, left to dream,

One went to college

One went to Hawaii.