Anthology Pieces

Below are the three pieces I chose to include in the NWP anthology. The first one is titled "Gina Rodriguez." It's a playful piece about naming inanimate objects, and about the character I project on them when I name them. The second piece is called "Orphaned in Ireland." I've been working on this piece for about a year at this point. It still doesn't seem completely finished, in my mind. The story is nonfiction, and it is a slightly sad reflection on my stay in Greystones, Ireland. You will hear a lot of my own personal history in that one. The last piece is an attempt at poetic prose, almost written as an apostrophe. It's called "Red Mule Crate," and it follows my attachment to an old junk item from my childhood. In it, I muse a little bit on how the unconventional object acted as an anchor for me while living in a new, difficult household.
