Welcome to my Google Site Web Page. I am a wife, mama, teacher, and friend. I believe that teaching is a calling and not just a "9 to 5" (or "8 - 3"). I have been a public school teacher for 12 years and continue to grow and transform. I would not have it any other way. I am a child of the 70's and 80's when bell-bottoms were cool, Star Wars ruled, and kids could still run and play outside in the neighborhood and in the yard with not a care in the world.

This class... The NWIWP SI 2016... Where to start? I was not exactly sure what I would be in for, but I am so very glad I accepted the invitation. I have been motivated to awaken the writer within again by listening to my amazing colleagues in the course. I want to thank you guys for being bold enough to share your beautiful words with me. You have made a huge impact in my life. You have helped heal me in so many ways. It is hard to explain. I have laughed my a** off at your words and artistic expressions. I have cried my a** off at your poignantly moving poems and stories. I have had to ask myself some very difficult questions this summer: Do you really want to do this teaching thing anymore? Can you really sneak in creative and cool lessons amidst all of the test prep materials you are supposed to be covering with students? What are you going to say to your data coaches and administrators next year if they continue to tell you "kids don't need Shakespeare" and not to teach an entire novel to kids (To Kill a Mockingbird); they just need test prep? I now have the research I need to explain exactly why students need to read and grapple with whole works and difficult texts. I also have some great writing tools to guide them through the comprehension of deeper reading and argumentation. Thank you to Connie and to Dr. B for equipping me and empowering me as a teacher of writing.