Day 8

Journal Prompts

*Respond to the quote below…

“When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.”

-Charles Beard, American historian

*You have just arrived at Tony’s Tattoo Parlor for a tattoo. Tony is competing for “Tattoo King of the Year,” a contest sponsored by Needle Knows magazine. Every design is a potential entry, and he wants each of his tattoos to say something personal about the person wearing it. From you, he needs a little inspiration and a design before he can start his work…

1. On your paper, design a rough tattoo that reveals something about yourself, your work, your hobbies, or your family, in order to help Tony get his creative juices flowing.

2. Be sure to note how big the tattoo should be and where Tony will put it.

3. When your design is complete, write a description of the tattoo and why/how it represents you.

*You’ve finally snapped…stress has gotten the better of you, and you can no longer think in long, descriptive sentences. Write about the day you lost your mind using sentences comprised of six words or fewer.

*Respond to prompt #219 from the “301 Prompts…” handout…

(Should discomfort excuse students from having to complete assignments?)